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MAD CUP 2006 competition information

  1. Rules
    MAD CUP 2006 will follow the AIDA Regulations – Version 11.1.
    1st round of the Slovenian nationa championship will follow SPZ regulations.

  2. Who may participate
    All clubs/teams and individuals can participate.

  3. Swimming pool
    Dimensions: 50x25 m
    Depth: 2 - 2,2 m
    Lanes: 8+2 lines
    Water temperature: 26oC
    Address: Indoor swimming pool PRISTAN, Koroška 33, Maribor, Slovenia

    * Adjustments will be made to get stand height for static competition.

  4. Heats
    The heats will be made with 4 athletes at the same time.
    For dynamic apneas the lines will be:

    • 1+2+7+8 official competition lines

    • 3+4+5+6 warm-up zones

  5. Safety
    Everybody is allowed to bring their own safety diver and coach. For competitors who won’t have their own safety divers organizer will provide one. At least one doctor will be present during the competition.

  6. Judges and Jury
    Bill Stromberg - AIDA level A instructor (SWE)
    Dieter Bauman - AIDA level A (AUT)
    Erik Stojanovič Kocjančič – AIDA level E (SLO)
    Matej Domjo – AIDA level E (SLO)
    Damir Detić – AIDA level E (CRO)
    Marko Kleončič – AIDA level E (CRO)

  7. World Record Status
    MAD CUP 2006 will have World Record status. Organizer will provide at least one judge AIDA level A or B, doping test and medical staff required for doping test and official tapes, required for recognition of world records.

  8. Competition categories and disciplines
    Absolute - age group born not younger then 1990

    Static apnea
    Dynamic apnea with fins
    Dynamic apnea without fins

  9. Scoring
    For individual scores and AIDA ranking:

    • according AIDA rules

    For Slovenian national competition:

    • according SPZ rules

    There will be special scoring for the MAD CUP
    For the MAD CUP will count a team result. Minimum 3 competitors form a team and a team must have at least one woman competitor. Teams are also limited to club membership or nationality.

    Each individual result will be valuated according AIDA recognized word records using formula:
    1000/ WR x CR = points for scoring

    WR – word record
    CR – competition result

    The final score will be the sum of the valuated points from 3 best competitors in all 3 disciplines (one competitor must be a woman).

    *please notice that woman performances will get more points as they will be valuated to woman records.
    **Conditionally only men teams will be allowed but will be penalized with 10%
    of best’s team total score.

  10. Rewarding
    All competitors will receive diplomas.
    First three competitors (M and W) in each discipline will receive medals.
    First three total best competitors (M and W) will receive medals.

    Prizes (M or W):

    • 1st place in total points – 200 EUR

    • 2nd place in total points – 150 EUR

    • 3rd place in total points – 100 EUR

    For MAD CUP 2006 first three teams will receive cups.

    There will also be other practical prizes.

  11. Registration & Fees
    Registration is required for all competitors. The recommended option to register is via our on-line registration form, not later than Monday, 27th of February 2006. The registration form has to include announced performances (AP). There won’t be any possibility for changing announced performances after registration deadline.

    A starting fee of 30 EUR per competitor has to be paid at verification.

    Other means of registration
    If you don't want to use the on-line form, feel free to register using this excel form (xls), and return it filled out on e-mail

    If you want to print out the registration form and fill it out please use this Adobe Acrobat form (pdf) and send it filled out to:

    • e-mail on:,

    • fax: +386 (0)2 6292 555 or

    • post: Sandi Bitenc, Uskoška ul. 48, 2204 Miklavž, Slovenia.

    All accepted registrations will be confirmed by e-mail or fax.
    Competitors not living in boarding house Drava have to pay 5 EUR extra for offical dinner.

  12. Verification
    On verification

    • starting fee has to be paid

    • personal identification card or passport and

    • medical certification (not older than 12 months) have to be shown

    Time for verification is set to Friday 3rd of March 2006 from 16.00 till 18.00. Competitors not competing in DNF and arriving for Saturday only have to confirm their arrival by phone. An extra verification is set for Saturday morning. We ask the competitors to be on time. Competitors without verification won’t be allowed to start.

  13. Accommodation
    Organizer will, upon a request, provide accommodation for individual participants and accompanying persons.

    Accommodation could start with the supper on 3rd of March and end with lunch at the 4th or 5th of March 2006.

    • Cost for one day:

      • 17 EUR/per person in a 3 bedded room (sleeping only)

      • 30 EUR/per person in a 3 bedded room (full pension)

    • Cost for two days:

      • 30 EUR/per person in a 3 bedded room (sleeping only)

      • 50 EUR/per person in a 3 bedded room (full pension)

    Accommodation should be payed at the verification.

    Address: DOM ZA UCENCE "DRAVA", Smetanova ulica 67, 2000 Maribor (500m distance from swimming pool),
    phone: +386 (0)2 2296 370

    Organizer can, upon a request, provide transfer from airport Brnik (Ljubljana)
    One way costs from Brnik are:

    • 250 EUR for a bus for maximum 25 persons,

    • 350 EUR for bus for maximum 50 persons or

    • 150 EUR for minibus for maximum 8 persons.

    Transfer costs are payable on site.

  14. Starting lists
    Official starting list for DNF will be announced on Thursday 2nd of March 2006 at 19.00 at the pool and on the competition website.
    Official starting list for STA and DYN will be announced on Friday 3rd of March 2006 at 21.30 at the pool and on the competition website.

    In case a competitor doesn’t show up on start, without a reasonable excuse, he/she will be disqualified from the competition.

    The starting list will be set up using the announced performances (best announcement starts last).

  15. Preliminary time table

    Thursday 2.3.2006
    19.00 starting lists DNF will be announced (at the pool and on competition website)
    Friday 3.3.2006
    – 15.00
    possibility of training
    – 18.00
    verification for all disciplines (conference room in the pensions Drava)
    18.00 meeting of team leaders (conference room in the pensions)
    19.30 opening ceremony
    19.45 start of warm up for DNF
    20.30 beginning of competition Dynamic Apnea Without Fins (DNF)
    21.30 starting lists STA and DYN will be announced (at the pool and on competition website)
    Saturday 4.3.2006
    – 8.00
    verification for latecomers (only competitiors who have not registered on the first day) - At the pool!
    9.00 start of warm up for STA
    9.45 beginning of Static (STA) apnea competition
    12.00 time for lunch
    15.00 start of warm up for DYN
    15.45 beginning of competition Dynamic apnea with fins (DYN)
    19.00 closing of the competition and rewarding
    20.00 PARTY - dinner for all competitors and team leaders. For accompanying persons and competitors not living in boarding house DRAVA diner must be paid extra (5 EUR).
    Party with dinner will be in pizzeria Galea II. Address Smetanova 75.
    Sunday 5.3.2006
    possibility to visit, skiing on Pohorje (10km away), walk through Maribor, free activities
  16. Protests
    According AIDA rules. A deposit of 50 EUR will be requested.

We ask all teams to bring their national flag.

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