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MAD CUP 2006

A report on the competition is available. Slovene language only.

Added results from National Championships.

MAD CUP 2006 in the media. Things we collected till now. Most reports are in Slovene language.

Photogalery is up!

This years competition is over. I would like to thank all the athletes, sponsors and other that helped organizing this competition. Althoug the competition is over our work continues so you can be expecting a big photo galery in a few days and the official DVD after a while. And of course we are already thinking about next year.
Keep checking here for news.

For any questions plese call +386 (0)41 349 580!

The verification will be today from 16.00 to 18.00 in the conferenece room of students home Drava. Verification for late comers will be tomorow at 7.00 at the pool.

Final starting list for DNF is on-line now with the competition lanes setup!

Preliminary starting list for STA and DYN are up. Fianl starting list will be announced friday evening.

Meal schedule for competitors living in students home Drava is up!

Schedule change!! Static competition will begin at 9.00 a.m. and not at 8.00 a.m.!

Preliminary starting list for DNF is up. Fianl starting list will be announced thursday evening.

Some more changes at competitior registration. We are sad that some of the competitors had to redraw from the competiton. The registered competitor number so stands at 47, but we have now have 9. different countries attending.

Registration time is ower and we have 57 registered competitors from 8 different countries. The final in-list is availiable here. Starting lists will be availiable shortly.
On the competition we are expecting new national and world records.

Today, monday 27th of February, is the registration deadline. Anyone wanting to paricipate and have not yet registered please use the on-line registration form!

Competition announcement on Radio City >>>, and some other media coverage. Only in Slovene language!

There will an W-lan internet connection point set up at the pool. You can request username and password at the registration desk.

Please take a look at our sponsors. They are the ones making this competition happen.

You have still time to register. Registration deadline is 27th of February 2006. There are still some free rooms in students home Drava...

We have also called Dieter Bauman, AIDA level A judge, to help and judge on MAD CUP 2006.

If you would like to sleep in boarding house Drava please notice that after february 16th we can not guarantee free rooms. There for we ask you to reserve you rooms within the deadline. For late commers we will do our best to a suitable place.

We added a section for the press. We will publish all press releases in this section.

We know a lot of you are asking yourself what to do with CMAS and their aproach of terror. Here is a way how to avoid sanctions by CMAS the legal way:
CMAS is stating: "If some athletes, members of federations affiliated with CMAS, take part in events organised by not affiliated bodies...". That means this aplys only to CMAS registered members at that point. So just don't be registered with CMAS on the time of the competition. So you have 2 options: just wait for signing up wiht CMAS for after the competition, or send a request to your national office of CMAS and cancel your membership directly (you don't have to give any reason). Then after the Mad Cup you can be members of CMAS again wihtout problems and any santions.

The competition will also count for Slovenian National Championship so we are specialy inviting all slovenian Clubs and competitors to take part. Competitors that will take part in Slovenian Nationals have to be members of SPZ with a valid licence.

We just received news that the current World Champion, multiple world record holder and the new Guinness record holder TOM SIETAS will be joining us on the competition.

Site has been updated with printer friendly function and a "print" button has been added in the lower right corner. You can now print contents without unnecessary elements and colors.

Some more accommodation info... as promised. Click >>>

The president of AIDA and AIDA level A instructor judge Bill Stromberg confirmed he will help us on our competition as the main judge thus confirming the Open National and WR status.

We are trying to proper reward our competitors and will be giving away 500 euro in money and lots of practical prizes. We are still looking for sponsor so if you are willing to help us please contact us.

More accommodation info will be availiable soon!

Click here for all information regarding the competition as well as competition rules!

PDM and H2O team are doing it again!!

This time we are expecting around 60 competitiors from 9 countries.

If you would like to join us, please register using the on-line registration form. We kindly ask you to register early for easier and better organisation of the competition.

Registration deadline is 27th of February 2006.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask us using eMail or phone: +386 (0)41 349 580.

If you are interested in our previous competitions you can look at You can also take a look at a short movie (20MB, XviD).
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