Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2009
Generated 01-Apr-2009 05:03 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2009
Total Hits 8874
Total Files 7356
Total Pages 2449
Total Visits 1134
Total KBytes 75.01 MB
Total Unique Sites 362
Total Unique URLs 670
Total Unique Referrers 166
Total Unique User Agents 47
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 11 498
Hits per Day 286 1041
Files per Day 237 1002
Pages per Day 79 241
Visits per Day 36 53
KBytes per Day 2.42 MB 12.77 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 7356
Code 206 - Partial Content 2
Code 304 - Not Modified 768
Code 404 - Not Found 748

Daily usage for March 2009

Daily Statistics for March 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 123 1.39% 95 1.29% 91 3.72% 45 3.97% 28 7.73% 981.04 KB 1.28%
2 253 2.85% 166 2.26% 115 4.70% 50 4.41% 26 7.18% 1.33 MB 1.78%
3 141 1.59% 90 1.22% 101 4.12% 46 4.06% 23 6.35% 801.27 KB 1.04%
4 645 7.27% 603 8.20% 69 2.82% 40 3.53% 25 6.91% 6.15 MB 8.20%
5 223 2.51% 164 2.23% 57 2.33% 42 3.70% 27 7.46% 1.60 MB 2.13%
6 217 2.45% 181 2.46% 68 2.78% 42 3.70% 26 7.18% 1.50 MB 2.00%
7 457 5.15% 414 5.63% 95 3.88% 53 4.67% 19 5.25% 4.87 MB 6.49%
8 145 1.63% 118 1.60% 38 1.55% 29 2.56% 16 4.42% 1.05 MB 1.40%
9 773 8.71% 487 6.62% 72 2.94% 38 3.35% 21 5.80% 5.00 MB 6.66%
10 134 1.51% 101 1.37% 26 1.06% 22 1.94% 17 4.70% 1.28 MB 1.70%
11 487 5.49% 453 6.16% 119 4.86% 26 2.29% 15 4.14% 12.77 MB 17.02%
12 1041 11.73% 1002 13.62% 241 9.84% 34 3.00% 21 5.80% 4.36 MB 5.82%
13 110 1.24% 77 1.05% 40 1.63% 30 2.65% 22 6.08% 622.59 KB 0.81%
14 403 4.54% 365 4.96% 47 1.92% 35 3.09% 39 10.77% 3.61 MB 4.82%
15 86 0.97% 56 0.76% 55 2.25% 27 2.38% 19 5.25% 621.12 KB 0.81%
16 105 1.18% 81 1.10% 48 1.96% 33 2.91% 25 6.91% 617.58 KB 0.80%
17 153 1.72% 123 1.67% 64 2.61% 48 4.23% 31 8.56% 985.43 KB 1.28%
18 245 2.76% 204 2.77% 81 3.31% 40 3.53% 27 7.46% 1.63 MB 2.17%
19 150 1.69% 125 1.70% 72 2.94% 32 2.82% 16 4.42% 1.30 MB 1.73%
20 294 3.31% 126 1.71% 198 8.08% 27 2.38% 13 3.59% 1.25 MB 1.67%
21 200 2.25% 181 2.46% 84 3.43% 23 2.03% 11 3.04% 1.39 MB 1.85%
22 168 1.89% 145 1.97% 116 4.74% 49 4.32% 22 6.08% 852.48 KB 1.11%
23 332 3.74% 294 4.00% 150 6.12% 45 3.97% 20 5.52% 2.42 MB 3.22%
24 375 4.23% 350 4.76% 64 2.61% 30 2.65% 17 4.70% 3.48 MB 4.63%
25 466 5.25% 434 5.90% 57 2.33% 29 2.56% 21 5.80% 3.75 MB 5.00%
26 245 2.76% 205 2.79% 75 3.06% 41 3.62% 34 9.39% 1.80 MB 2.40%
27 121 1.36% 88 1.20% 37 1.51% 34 3.00% 19 5.25% 760.88 KB 0.99%
28 193 2.17% 162 2.20% 38 1.55% 35 3.09% 28 7.73% 1.41 MB 1.88%
29 216 2.43% 162 2.20% 58 2.37% 52 4.59% 46 12.71% 4.05 MB 5.40%
30 141 1.59% 112 1.52% 30 1.22% 29 2.56% 22 6.08% 1.21 MB 1.62%
31 232 2.61% 192 2.61% 43 1.76% 32 2.82% 25 6.91% 1.71 MB 2.28%

Hourly usage for March 2009

Hourly Statistics for March 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 9 303 3.41% 7 225 3.06% 2 80 3.27% 78.93 KB 2.39 MB 3.19%
1 6 205 2.31% 5 155 2.11% 2 77 3.14% 46.72 KB 1.41 MB 1.89%
2 6 187 2.11% 4 132 1.79% 1 59 2.41% 33.53 KB 1.01 MB 1.35%
3 19 608 6.85% 17 529 7.19% 3 120 4.90% 151.91 KB 4.60 MB 6.13%
4 24 772 8.70% 15 481 6.54% 2 90 3.67% 167.74 KB 5.08 MB 6.77%
5 19 616 6.94% 18 576 7.83% 8 266 10.86% 83.17 KB 2.52 MB 3.36%
6 8 263 2.96% 6 216 2.94% 5 158 6.45% 58.80 KB 1.78 MB 2.37%
7 31 977 11.01% 29 906 12.32% 5 166 6.78% 260.16 KB 7.88 MB 10.50%
8 17 536 6.04% 15 473 6.43% 4 147 6.00% 183.83 KB 5.57 MB 7.42%
9 5 165 1.86% 4 132 1.79% 1 52 2.12% 40.04 KB 1.21 MB 1.62%
10 6 214 2.41% 5 176 2.39% 1 53 2.16% 58.37 KB 1.77 MB 2.36%
11 9 308 3.47% 8 248 3.37% 2 78 3.18% 89.72 KB 2.72 MB 3.62%
12 6 213 2.40% 5 162 2.20% 2 72 2.94% 48.42 KB 1.47 MB 1.95%
13 7 233 2.63% 5 168 2.28% 2 87 3.55% 54.82 KB 1.66 MB 2.21%
14 8 275 3.10% 5 178 2.42% 5 168 6.86% 51.55 KB 1.56 MB 2.08%
15 16 509 5.74% 14 437 5.94% 3 98 4.00% 133.99 KB 4.06 MB 5.41%
16 17 545 6.14% 16 499 6.78% 2 88 3.59% 142.17 KB 4.30 MB 5.74%
17 22 697 7.85% 20 646 8.78% 5 178 7.27% 486.46 KB 14.73 MB 19.63%
18 3 99 1.12% 2 78 1.06% 1 58 2.37% 20.90 KB 647.95 KB 0.84%
19 4 124 1.40% 3 95 1.29% 2 78 3.18% 33.08 KB 1.00 MB 1.34%
20 13 415 4.68% 12 380 5.17% 2 70 2.86% 119.27 KB 3.61 MB 4.81%
21 4 125 1.41% 2 86 1.17% 1 54 2.20% 27.77 KB 860.76 KB 1.12%
22 6 207 2.33% 5 169 2.30% 2 63 2.57% 50.57 KB 1.53 MB 2.04%
23 8 278 3.13% 6 209 2.84% 2 89 3.63% 55.80 KB 1.69 MB 2.25%

Top 30 of 670 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1117 12.59% 16.22 MB 21.63% /
2 306 3.45% 730.13 KB 0.95% /print.css
3 302 3.40% 1.21 MB 1.61% /stil.css
4 150 1.69% 266.95 KB 0.35% /include/KMain.js
5 148 1.67% 201.75 KB 0.26% /include/menu.js
6 147 1.66% 12.46 KB 0.02% /include/htmlarea.js
7 146 1.65% 9.47 MB 12.63% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
8 142 1.60% 44.16 KB 0.06% /include/photoWindow.js
9 141 1.59% 61.76 KB 0.08% /include/okno.js
10 140 1.58% 93.66 KB 0.12% /include/en_KValidate.lang.js
11 139 1.57% 1.24 MB 1.65% /include/KModeChange.js
12 138 1.56% 2.70 MB 3.60% /include/KValidate.js
13 137 1.54% 257.48 KB 0.34% /include/KUtil.js
14 136 1.53% 36.38 KB 0.05% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
15 61 0.69% 131.37 KB 0.17% /include/htmlarea3/dialog.js
16 61 0.69% 193.08 KB 0.25% /include/htmlarea3/lang/en.js
17 61 0.69% 217.04 KB 0.28% /include/htmlarea3/popupwin.js
18 60 0.68% 235.57 KB 0.31% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.css
19 15 0.17% 42.89 KB 0.06% /sub/galery/html/image024.html
20 14 0.16% 24.50 KB 0.03% /sub/galery/html/image002.html
21 13 0.15% 36.86 KB 0.05% /sub/galery/html/image041.html
22 13 0.15% 36.93 KB 0.05% /sub/galery/html/image062.html
23 12 0.14% 33.78 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image047.html
24 12 0.14% 33.85 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image060.html
25 12 0.14% 33.70 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image073.html
26 11 0.12% 30.71 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image043.html
27 11 0.12% 30.77 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image054.html
28 11 0.12% 30.64 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image168.html
29 10 0.11% 27.56 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image005.html
30 10 0.11% 27.57 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image014.html
View All URLs

Top 10 of 670 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1117 12.59% 16.22 MB 21.63% /
2 146 1.65% 9.47 MB 12.63% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
3 138 1.56% 2.70 MB 3.60% /include/KValidate.js
4 7 0.08% 1.55 MB 2.07% /sub/docs/regulationv11.1-eng.pdf
5 139 1.57% 1.24 MB 1.65% /include/KModeChange.js
6 302 3.40% 1.21 MB 1.61% /stil.css
7 306 3.45% 730.13 KB 0.95% /print.css
8 6 0.07% 480.91 KB 0.63% /sub/docs/safetyv1.1-eng.pdf
9 150 1.69% 266.95 KB 0.35% /include/KMain.js
10 137 1.54% 257.48 KB 0.34% /include/KUtil.js

Top 10 of 182 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1117 12.59% 715 63.39% /
2 14 0.16% 9 0.80% /sub/galery/html/image002.html
3 15 0.17% 6 0.53% /sub/galery/html/image024.html
4 9 0.10% 6 0.53% /sub/galery/html/image144.html
5 9 0.10% 6 0.53% /sub/galery/html/image181.html
6 10 0.11% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image036.html
7 10 0.11% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image051.html
8 9 0.10% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image149.html
9 9 0.10% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image156.html
10 11 0.12% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image168.html

Top 10 of 183 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1117 12.59% 714 63.47% /
2 14 0.16% 7 0.62% /sub/galery/html/image002.html
3 15 0.17% 6 0.53% /sub/galery/html/image024.html
4 10 0.11% 6 0.53% /sub/galery/html/image051.html
5 10 0.11% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image014.html
6 9 0.10% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image144.html
7 9 0.10% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image156.html
8 11 0.12% 5 0.44% /sub/galery/html/image168.html
9 10 0.11% 4 0.36% /sub/galery/html/image005.html
10 9 0.10% 4 0.36% /sub/galery/html/image030.html

Top 30 of 362 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 915 10.31% 817 11.11% 3.09 MB 4.12% 44 3.88% Slovenia
2 527 5.94% 274 3.72% 3.13 MB 4.17% 2 0.18% Latvia
3 465 5.24% 434 5.90% 3.88 MB 5.17% 31 2.73% China
4 420 4.73% 392 5.33% 3.51 MB 4.67% 28 2.47% China
5 405 4.56% 307 4.17% 2.28 MB 3.04% 158 13.93% United States
6 405 4.56% 397 5.40% 12.21 MB 16.27% 1 0.09% Unknown
7 279 3.14% 275 3.74% 2.52 MB 3.37% 1 0.09% Latvia
8 260 2.93% 257 3.49% 3.64 MB 4.86% 1 0.09% Slovenia
9 251 2.83% 246 3.34% 3.02 MB 4.02% 1 0.09% Poland
10 229 2.58% 225 3.06% 1.94 MB 2.59% 1 0.09% Germany
11 229 2.58% 225 3.06% 2.01 MB 2.68% 1 0.09% Slovenia
12 227 2.56% 224 3.05% 1.94 MB 2.58% 1 0.09% Russian Federation
13 226 2.55% 224 3.05% 1.94 MB 2.58% 1 0.09% United States
14 194 2.19% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 17 1.50% Sweden
15 191 2.15% 126 1.71% 1.30 MB 1.74% 91 8.02% United States
16 152 1.71% 82 1.11% 918.20 KB 1.20% 60 5.29% United States
17 127 1.43% 125 1.70% 1.32 MB 1.77% 4 0.35% Unknown
18 112 1.26% 59 0.80% 557.34 KB 0.73% 46 4.06% United States
19 109 1.23% 60 0.82% 715.16 KB 0.93% 45 3.97% United States
20 105 1.18% 98 1.33% 897.47 KB 1.17% 7 0.62% China
21 98 1.10% 90 1.22% 452.33 KB 0.59% 17 1.50% United States
22 90 1.01% 84 1.14% 769.26 KB 1.00% 6 0.53% China
23 70 0.79% 60 0.82% 578.24 KB 0.75% 1 0.09% Slovenia
24 64 0.72% 34 0.46% 546.94 KB 0.71% 1 0.09% Thailand
25 59 0.66% 26 0.35% 549.79 KB 0.72% 18 1.59% United States
26 51 0.57% 50 0.68% 153.92 KB 0.20% 2 0.18% Unknown
27 48 0.54% 22 0.30% 261.02 KB 0.34% 18 1.59% United States
28 45 0.51% 42 0.57% 384.63 KB 0.50% 3 0.26% China
29 45 0.51% 24 0.33% 320.59 KB 0.42% 17 1.50% Unknown
30 44 0.50% 38 0.52% 371.97 KB 0.48% 1 0.09% United States
View All Sites

Top 10 of 362 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 405 4.56% 397 5.40% 12.21 MB 16.27% 1 0.09% Unknown
2 465 5.24% 434 5.90% 3.88 MB 5.17% 31 2.73% China
3 260 2.93% 257 3.49% 3.64 MB 4.86% 1 0.09% Slovenia
4 420 4.73% 392 5.33% 3.51 MB 4.67% 28 2.47% China
5 527 5.94% 274 3.72% 3.13 MB 4.17% 2 0.18% Latvia
6 915 10.31% 817 11.11% 3.09 MB 4.12% 44 3.88% Slovenia
7 251 2.83% 246 3.34% 3.02 MB 4.02% 1 0.09% Poland
8 279 3.14% 275 3.74% 2.52 MB 3.37% 1 0.09% Latvia
9 405 4.56% 307 4.17% 2.28 MB 3.04% 158 13.93% United States
10 229 2.58% 225 3.06% 2.01 MB 2.68% 1 0.09% Slovenia

Top 30 of 166 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3465 39.05% - (Direct Request)
2 27 0.30%
3 23 0.26%
4 15 0.17%
5 10 0.11%
6 5 0.06%
7 4 0.05%
8 3 0.03%
9 3 0.03%
10 3 0.03%
11 3 0.03%
12 3 0.03%
13 3 0.03%
14 2 0.02%
15 2 0.02%
16 2 0.02%
17 2 0.02%
18 2 0.02%
19 1 0.01%
20 1 0.01%
21 1 0.01%
22 1 0.01%
23 1 0.01%
24 1 0.01%
25 1 0.01%
26 1 0.01%
27 1 0.01%
28 1 0.01%
29 1 0.01%
30 1 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 10 of 10 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 8 33.33% h2o logo
2 3 12.50% mad cup
3 2 8.33% aida 2006 surface protocol
4 2 8.33% aida freediving-
5 2 8.33% dynamic apnea records by age groups
6 2 8.33% koro%c5%a1ka cesta
7 2 8.33% static apnea competitions
8 1 4.17% surface protocol aida
9 1 4.17% surface protocol aida 2006
10 1 4.17% world record holder 8 minutes and 58 seconds.

Top 15 of 47 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2881 32.47% MSIE 6.0
2 1703 19.19% Mozilla/5.0
3 915 10.31% Najdi.s
4 821 9.25% MSIE 7.0
5 711 8.01% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
6 469 5.29% Googlebot/2.1
7 216 2.43% msnbot/1.1 (+
8 208 2.34% psbot/0.1 (+
9 187 2.11% SimilarPages/Nutch-1.0-dev (SimilarPages Nutch Crawler;; info at similarpages dot com)
10 153 1.72% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
11 131 1.48% Yahoo! Slurp
12 127 1.43% Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1/beta (
13 62 0.70% MSIE 8.0
14 41 0.46% Googlebot-Image/1.0
15 31 0.35% Mosad/2.0
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for March 2009

Top 30 of 30 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2735 30.82% 2092 28.44% 20.66 MB 27.54% United States
2 1680 18.93% 1546 21.02% 10.61 MB 14.15% Slovenia
3 1221 13.76% 1132 15.39% 10.06 MB 13.41% China
4 1011 11.39% 925 12.57% 17.30 MB 23.06% Unresolved/Unknown
5 806 9.08% 549 7.46% 5.65 MB 7.54% Latvia
6 290 3.27% 282 3.83% 2.39 MB 3.18% Germany
7 251 2.83% 246 3.34% 3.02 MB 4.02% Poland
8 244 2.75% 234 3.18% 2.13 MB 2.84% Russian Federation
9 209 2.36% 1 0.01% 24.84 KB 0.03% Sweden
10 64 0.72% 34 0.46% 546.94 KB 0.71% Thailand
11 42 0.47% 39 0.53% 346.84 KB 0.45% Great Britain (UK)
12 38 0.43% 32 0.44% 250.16 KB 0.33% Australia
13 38 0.43% 30 0.41% 313.76 KB 0.41% Czech Republic
14 36 0.41% 34 0.46% 271.97 KB 0.35% Brazil
15 33 0.37% 29 0.39% 235.12 KB 0.31% Norway
16 32 0.36% 30 0.41% 222.28 KB 0.29% Netherlands
17 32 0.36% 28 0.38% 222.60 KB 0.29% Slovak Republic
18 31 0.35% 28 0.38% 221.51 KB 0.29% Croatia (Hrvatska)
19 29 0.33% 28 0.38% 212.61 KB 0.28% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
20 19 0.21% 10 0.14% 123.22 KB 0.16% France
21 8 0.09% 6 0.08% 49.99 KB 0.07% Pakistan
22 5 0.06% 5 0.07% 25.96 KB 0.03% Hungary
23 5 0.06% 4 0.05% 24.42 KB 0.03% India
24 4 0.05% 3 0.04% 31.12 KB 0.04% Indonesia
25 3 0.03% 3 0.04% 49.71 KB 0.06% Bangladesh
26 3 0.03% 3 0.04% 26.10 KB 0.03% Korea (South)
27 2 0.02% 2 0.03% 49.32 KB 0.06% Belarus
28 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 9.72 KB 0.01% Lithuania
29 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 10.05 KB 0.01% Portugal
30 1 0.01% 1 0.01% 8.77 KB 0.01% Turkey

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)