Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2009
Generated 01-Mar-2009 04:57 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2009
Total Hits 7321
Total Files 5785
Total Pages 2339
Total Visits 1031
Total KBytes 62.20 MB
Total Unique Sites 353
Total Unique URLs 558
Total Unique Referrers 140
Total Unique User Agents 39
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 10 791
Hits per Day 261 878
Files per Day 206 728
Pages per Day 83 266
Visits per Day 36 57
KBytes per Day 2.22 MB 14.64 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 5785
Code 206 - Partial Content 16
Code 304 - Not Modified 832
Code 404 - Not Found 688

Daily usage for February 2009

Daily Statistics for February 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 878 11.99% 506 8.75% 107 4.57% 26 2.52% 34 9.63% 7.90 MB 12.70%
2 131 1.79% 88 1.52% 81 3.46% 45 4.36% 25 7.08% 1.48 MB 2.38%
3 259 3.54% 210 3.63% 160 6.84% 45 4.36% 27 7.65% 1.43 MB 2.30%
4 244 3.33% 173 2.99% 84 3.59% 43 4.17% 30 8.50% 1.31 MB 2.10%
5 541 7.39% 504 8.71% 266 11.37% 31 3.01% 24 6.80% 1.45 MB 2.34%
6 133 1.82% 107 1.85% 57 2.44% 33 3.20% 28 7.93% 907.73 KB 1.43%
7 384 5.25% 355 6.14% 49 2.09% 28 2.72% 16 4.53% 3.96 MB 6.37%
8 86 1.17% 60 1.04% 30 1.28% 29 2.81% 16 4.53% 758.22 KB 1.19%
9 226 3.09% 180 3.11% 72 3.08% 50 4.85% 25 7.08% 1.52 MB 2.45%
10 102 1.39% 68 1.18% 45 1.92% 36 3.49% 31 8.78% 915.15 KB 1.44%
11 405 5.53% 365 6.31% 53 2.27% 32 3.10% 32 9.07% 3.20 MB 5.15%
12 178 2.43% 129 2.23% 90 3.85% 57 5.53% 30 8.50% 1.15 MB 1.84%
13 256 3.50% 224 3.87% 81 3.46% 43 4.17% 24 6.80% 2.02 MB 3.25%
14 224 3.06% 182 3.15% 104 4.45% 31 3.01% 18 5.10% 1.89 MB 3.03%
15 115 1.57% 98 1.69% 32 1.37% 26 2.52% 16 4.53% 903.50 KB 1.42%
16 134 1.83% 109 1.88% 45 1.92% 30 2.91% 15 4.25% 964.50 KB 1.51%
17 225 3.07% 197 3.41% 61 2.61% 32 3.10% 20 5.67% 1.78 MB 2.86%
18 779 10.64% 728 12.58% 162 6.93% 45 4.36% 28 7.93% 14.64 MB 23.53%
19 123 1.68% 70 1.21% 85 3.63% 49 4.75% 27 7.65% 498.97 KB 0.78%
20 327 4.47% 285 4.93% 54 2.31% 32 3.10% 18 5.10% 2.79 MB 4.48%
21 117 1.60% 78 1.35% 71 3.04% 35 3.39% 28 7.93% 464.81 KB 0.73%
22 324 4.43% 146 2.52% 183 7.82% 36 3.49% 34 9.63% 1.27 MB 2.04%
23 364 4.97% 317 5.48% 90 3.85% 44 4.27% 30 8.50% 3.07 MB 4.93%
24 166 2.27% 118 2.04% 36 1.54% 29 2.81% 31 8.78% 1.54 MB 2.47%
25 295 4.03% 257 4.44% 94 4.02% 49 4.75% 31 8.78% 2.10 MB 3.38%
26 117 1.60% 96 1.66% 55 2.35% 37 3.59% 15 4.25% 941.52 KB 1.48%
27 121 1.65% 87 1.50% 53 2.27% 34 3.30% 19 5.38% 1.06 MB 1.70%
28 67 0.92% 48 0.83% 39 1.67% 26 2.52% 20 5.67% 453.75 KB 0.71%

Hourly usage for February 2009

Hourly Statistics for February 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 14 398 5.44% 12 355 6.14% 3 86 3.68% 152.52 KB 4.17 MB 6.71%
1 4 128 1.75% 3 85 1.47% 2 83 3.55% 24.56 KB 687.76 KB 1.08%
2 31 888 12.13% 18 516 8.92% 3 106 4.53% 290.56 KB 7.95 MB 12.77%
3 4 133 1.82% 3 104 1.80% 3 99 4.23% 30.17 KB 844.70 KB 1.33%
4 5 157 2.14% 4 112 1.94% 2 63 2.69% 54.97 KB 1.50 MB 2.42%
5 7 214 2.92% 4 135 2.33% 4 115 4.92% 47.18 KB 1.29 MB 2.07%
6 6 193 2.64% 5 153 2.64% 2 75 3.21% 49.79 KB 1.36 MB 2.19%
7 3 98 1.34% 2 69 1.19% 1 50 2.14% 35.69 KB 999.32 KB 1.57%
8 4 118 1.61% 3 87 1.50% 2 57 2.44% 33.01 KB 924.25 KB 1.45%
9 12 360 4.92% 11 313 5.41% 2 57 2.44% 108.73 KB 2.97 MB 4.78%
10 4 138 1.88% 3 99 1.71% 3 97 4.15% 32.72 KB 916.12 KB 1.44%
11 8 243 3.32% 7 208 3.60% 4 121 5.17% 74.70 KB 2.04 MB 3.28%
12 6 189 2.58% 5 153 2.64% 2 74 3.16% 40.44 KB 1.11 MB 1.78%
13 11 311 4.25% 9 267 4.62% 2 79 3.38% 94.99 KB 2.60 MB 4.18%
14 37 1061 14.49% 35 984 17.01% 8 246 10.52% 268.57 KB 7.34 MB 11.81%
15 14 400 5.46% 11 332 5.74% 5 162 6.93% 63.27 KB 1.73 MB 2.78%
16 5 158 2.16% 3 111 1.92% 2 78 3.33% 28.23 KB 790.53 KB 1.24%
17 21 609 8.32% 18 504 8.71% 7 222 9.49% 430.84 KB 11.78 MB 18.94%
18 5 156 2.13% 3 106 1.83% 2 67 2.86% 37.70 KB 1.03 MB 1.66%
19 7 212 2.90% 6 172 2.97% 2 67 2.86% 57.28 KB 1.57 MB 2.52%
20 7 216 2.95% 6 168 2.90% 2 72 3.08% 63.64 KB 1.74 MB 2.80%
21 8 228 3.11% 6 176 3.04% 3 89 3.81% 52.39 KB 1.43 MB 2.30%
22 10 280 3.82% 7 208 3.60% 3 99 4.23% 60.93 KB 1.67 MB 2.68%
23 15 433 5.91% 13 368 6.36% 2 75 3.21% 141.72 KB 3.88 MB 6.23%

Top 30 of 558 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1001 13.67% 18.36 MB 29.52% /
2 153 2.09% 683.04 KB 1.07% /stil.css
3 148 2.02% 377.10 KB 0.59% /print.css
4 73 1.00% 87.06 KB 0.14% /include/menu.js
5 72 0.98% 111.83 KB 0.18% /include/KMain.js
6 72 0.98% 5.41 KB 0.01% /include/htmlarea.js
7 72 0.98% 4.08 MB 6.57% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
8 70 0.96% 26.66 KB 0.04% /include/okno.js
9 68 0.93% 112.53 KB 0.18% /include/KUtil.js
10 68 0.93% 1.17 MB 1.88% /include/KValidate.js
11 68 0.93% 40.04 KB 0.06% /include/en_KValidate.lang.js
12 68 0.93% 18.61 KB 0.03% /include/photoWindow.js
13 67 0.92% 15.75 KB 0.02% /include/KModeChange.lang.js
14 66 0.90% 527.53 KB 0.83% /include/KModeChange.js
15 63 0.86% 176.71 KB 0.28% /include/htmlarea3/lang/en.js
16 62 0.85% 118.01 KB 0.19% /include/htmlarea3/dialog.js
17 62 0.85% 194.97 KB 0.31% /include/htmlarea3/popupwin.js
18 61 0.83% 211.20 KB 0.33% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.css
19 14 0.19% 36.75 KB 0.06% /sub/galery/html/image008.html
20 14 0.19% 36.76 KB 0.06% /sub/galery/html/image094.html
21 14 0.19% 33.71 KB 0.05% /sub/galery/html/image129.html
22 13 0.18% 30.77 KB 0.05% /sub/galery/html/image052.html
23 13 0.18% 30.77 KB 0.05% /sub/galery/html/image067.html
24 12 0.16% 30.63 KB 0.05% /sub/galery/html/image024.html
25 12 0.16% 30.63 KB 0.05% /sub/galery/html/image029.html
26 12 0.16% 27.58 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image118.html
27 12 0.16% 30.64 KB 0.05% /sub/galery/html/image167.html
28 12 0.16% 27.70 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image194.html
29 11 0.15% 27.57 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image018.html
30 11 0.15% 27.69 KB 0.04% /sub/galery/html/image056.html
View All URLs

Top 10 of 558 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1001 13.67% 18.36 MB 29.52% /
2 72 0.98% 4.08 MB 6.57% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.js
3 7 0.10% 1.55 MB 2.50% /sub/docs/regulationv11.1-eng.pdf
4 68 0.93% 1.17 MB 1.88% /include/KValidate.js
5 153 2.09% 683.04 KB 1.07% /stil.css
6 66 0.90% 527.53 KB 0.83% /include/KModeChange.js
7 5 0.07% 400.76 KB 0.63% /sub/docs/safetyv1.1-eng.pdf
8 148 2.02% 377.10 KB 0.59% /print.css
9 6 0.08% 318.77 KB 0.50% /sub/docs/MAD_CUP_2006_registration_form.pdf
10 61 0.83% 211.20 KB 0.33% /include/htmlarea3/htmlarea.css

Top 10 of 190 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1001 13.67% 612 59.65% /
2 9 0.12% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image027.html
3 12 0.16% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image029.html
4 9 0.12% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image032.html
5 7 0.10% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image087.html
6 14 0.19% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image129.html
7 11 0.15% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image136.html
8 12 0.16% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image194.html
9 11 0.15% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image200.html
10 7 0.10% 4 0.39% /sub/galery/html/image002.html

Top 10 of 184 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1001 13.67% 600 58.65% /
2 12 0.16% 6 0.59% /sub/galery/html/image024.html
3 9 0.12% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image027.html
4 12 0.16% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image029.html
5 11 0.15% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image056.html
6 14 0.19% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image129.html
7 10 0.14% 5 0.49% /sub/galery/html/image159.html
8 8 0.11% 4 0.39% /sub/galery/html/image001.html
9 14 0.19% 4 0.39% /sub/galery/html/image008.html
10 7 0.10% 4 0.39% /sub/galery/html/image012.html

Top 30 of 353 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 772 10.55% 661 11.43% 3.71 MB 5.97% 44 4.27% Slovenia
2 721 9.85% 385 6.66% 6.68 MB 10.75% 1 0.10% Korea, Republic of
3 426 5.82% 244 4.22% 1.85 MB 2.97% 109 10.57% United States
4 395 5.40% 391 6.76% 10.81 MB 17.38% 3 0.29% Slovenia
5 259 3.54% 250 4.32% 3.01 MB 4.84% 1 0.10% Slovenia
6 249 3.40% 245 4.24% 2.43 MB 3.91% 1 0.10% United States
7 248 3.39% 244 4.22% 3.00 MB 4.83% 1 0.10% Germany
8 236 3.22% 234 4.04% 2.21 MB 3.56% 1 0.10% Slovenia
9 232 3.17% 230 3.98% 2.05 MB 3.29% 1 0.10% Germany
10 192 2.62% 190 3.28% 2.00 MB 3.21% 5 0.48% Unknown
11 155 2.12% 137 2.37% 1.29 MB 2.08% 87 8.44% United States
12 142 1.94% 7 0.12% 139.32 KB 0.22% 10 0.97% Sweden
13 84 1.15% 67 1.16% 1.18 MB 1.90% 52 5.04% United States
14 79 1.08% 71 1.23% 349.42 KB 0.55% 42 4.07% United States
15 65 0.89% 57 0.99% 324.33 KB 0.51% 37 3.59% United States
16 63 0.86% 61 1.05% 464.39 KB 0.73% 3 0.29% Netherlands
17 61 0.83% 38 0.66% 518.38 KB 0.81% 18 1.75% Unknown
18 61 0.83% 56 0.97% 520.42 KB 0.82% 30 2.91% United States
19 59 0.81% 30 0.52% 306.78 KB 0.48% 1 0.10% South Africa
20 59 0.81% 30 0.52% 693.35 KB 1.09% 22 2.13% United States
21 54 0.74% 21 0.36% 183.33 KB 0.29% 18 1.75% United States
22 53 0.72% 47 0.81% 345.93 KB 0.54% 1 0.10% Unknown
23 48 0.66% 41 0.71% 442.63 KB 0.69% 7 0.68% Netherlands
24 48 0.66% 31 0.54% 329.14 KB 0.52% 16 1.55% Unknown
25 45 0.61% 42 0.73% 384.63 KB 0.60% 3 0.29% China
26 44 0.60% 13 0.22% 134.40 KB 0.21% 20 1.94% United States
27 44 0.60% 37 0.64% 531.05 KB 0.83% 29 2.81% United States
28 43 0.59% 42 0.73% 312.06 KB 0.49% 1 0.10% Slovenia
29 42 0.57% 18 0.31% 187.31 KB 0.29% 14 1.36% United States
30 39 0.53% 34 0.59% 285.92 KB 0.45% 1 0.10% Unknown
View All Sites

Top 10 of 353 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 395 5.40% 391 6.76% 10.81 MB 17.38% 3 0.29% Slovenia
2 721 9.85% 385 6.66% 6.68 MB 10.75% 1 0.10% Korea, Republic of
3 772 10.55% 661 11.43% 3.71 MB 5.97% 44 4.27% Slovenia
4 259 3.54% 250 4.32% 3.01 MB 4.84% 1 0.10% Slovenia
5 248 3.39% 244 4.22% 3.00 MB 4.83% 1 0.10% Germany
6 249 3.40% 245 4.24% 2.43 MB 3.91% 1 0.10% United States
7 236 3.22% 234 4.04% 2.21 MB 3.56% 1 0.10% Slovenia
8 232 3.17% 230 3.98% 2.05 MB 3.29% 1 0.10% Germany
9 192 2.62% 190 3.28% 2.00 MB 3.21% 5 0.48% Unknown
10 426 5.82% 244 4.22% 1.85 MB 2.97% 109 10.57% United States

Top 30 of 140 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3380 46.17% - (Direct Request)
2 22 0.30%
3 13 0.18%
4 12 0.16%
5 11 0.15%
6 10 0.14%
7 10 0.14%
8 8 0.11%
9 7 0.10%
10 5 0.07%
11 4 0.05%
12 3 0.04%
13 3 0.04%
14 3 0.04%
15 3 0.04%
16 3 0.04%
17 2 0.03%
18 2 0.03%
19 2 0.03%
20 2 0.03%
21 2 0.03%
22 2 0.03%
23 2 0.03%
24 2 0.03%
25 1 0.01%
26 1 0.01%
27 1 0.01%
28 1 0.01%
29 1 0.01%
30 1 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 17 of 17 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 5 16.67% lung logo tekme
2 4 13.33% h2o logo
3 4 13.33% lung logo
4 2 6.67% h2o p-
5 2 6.67% mad cup register
6 2 6.67% maribor jure-
7 1 3.33% 100 %d0%bf%d0%b5%d0%bd%d0%b3%d0%be%d0%b2%d0%be%d0%b2
8 1 3.33% aida surface protocol
9 1 3.33% apnea
10 1 3.33% apnea competitions
11 1 3.33% dynamic apnea static competition
12 1 3.33% jure ozimi%-
13 1 3.33% mad cup
14 1 3.33% mitja Å¡tampfer
15 1 3.33% national freediving records slovenia
16 1 3.33% surface protocol spearfishing aida 2006
17 1 3.33% tom sietas xvid

Top 15 of 39 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1501 20.50% Mozilla/5.0
2 1423 19.44% MSIE 7.0
3 1387 18.95% MSIE 6.0
4 786 10.74% Najdi.s
5 511 6.98% Yahoo! Slurp
6 345 4.71% msnbot/1.1 (+
7 269 3.67% Googlebot/2.1
8 242 3.31% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
9 192 2.62% Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1/beta (
10 157 2.14% Googlebot-Image/1.0
11 153 2.09% psbot/0.1 (+
12 123 1.68% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
13 48 0.66% kalooga/KaloogaBot (Kalooga;
14 30 0.41% MSIE 8.0
15 28 0.38% Mosad/2.0
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for February 2009

Top 28 of 28 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2346 32.04% 1712 29.59% 14.99 MB 24.10% United States
2 1953 26.68% 1793 30.99% 21.77 MB 35.01% Slovenia
3 933 12.74% 804 13.90% 7.53 MB 12.11% Unresolved/Unknown
4 724 9.89% 388 6.71% 6.71 MB 10.79% Korea (South)
5 489 6.68% 483 8.35% 5.15 MB 8.27% Germany
6 166 2.27% 20 0.35% 435.63 KB 0.68% Sweden
7 112 1.53% 103 1.78% 914.01 KB 1.44% Netherlands
8 88 1.20% 75 1.30% 749.64 KB 1.18% China
9 85 1.16% 77 1.33% 680.97 KB 1.07% Canada
10 62 0.85% 56 0.97% 443.28 KB 0.70% Italy
11 59 0.81% 30 0.52% 306.78 KB 0.48% South Africa
12 51 0.70% 36 0.62% 595.38 KB 0.93% Czech Republic
13 35 0.48% 32 0.55% 228.41 KB 0.36% Hungary
14 32 0.44% 29 0.50% 222.12 KB 0.35% Portugal
15 31 0.42% 29 0.50% 225.57 KB 0.35% Brazil
16 30 0.41% 28 0.48% 220.83 KB 0.35% Australia
17 30 0.41% 28 0.48% 220.82 KB 0.35% Egypt
18 29 0.40% 28 0.48% 219.94 KB 0.35% Costa Rica
19 24 0.33% 16 0.28% 276.24 KB 0.43% Russian Federation
20 14 0.19% 12 0.21% 180.78 KB 0.28% Cyprus
21 10 0.14% 8 0.14% 101.10 KB 0.16% Finland
22 6 0.08% 5 0.09% 48.45 KB 0.08% Dominican Republic
23 5 0.07% 3 0.05% 32.00 KB 0.05% France
24 3 0.04% 2 0.03% 18.60 KB 0.03% Switzerland
25 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 9.72 KB 0.02% United Arab Emirates
26 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 12.52 KB 0.02% Great Britain (UK)
27 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 24.66 KB 0.04% Lithuania
28 1 0.01% 1 0.02% 24.66 KB 0.04% Moldova

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)