Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2008
Generated 01-Nov-2008 04:49 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2008
Total Hits 38680
Total Files 36021
Total Pages 12648
Total Visits 1855
Total KBytes 492.72 MB
Total Unique Sites 1249
Total Unique URLs 92
Total Unique Referrers 77
Total Unique User Agents 69
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 51 374
Hits per Day 1247 1734
Files per Day 1161 1609
Pages per Day 408 815
Visits per Day 59 79
KBytes per Day 15.89 MB 41.40 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 36021
Code 206 - Partial Content 15
Code 302 - Found 174
Code 304 - Not Modified 1978
Code 404 - Not Found 492

Daily usage for October 2008

Daily Statistics for October 2008
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1018 2.63% 1002 2.78% 266 2.10% 57 3.07% 42 3.36% 11.91 MB 2.42%
2 1192 3.08% 1060 2.94% 243 1.92% 60 3.23% 58 4.64% 13.04 MB 2.65%
3 1099 2.84% 989 2.75% 249 1.97% 55 2.96% 50 4.00% 11.25 MB 2.28%
4 1486 3.84% 1429 3.97% 690 5.46% 60 3.23% 52 4.16% 19.30 MB 3.92%
5 878 2.27% 837 2.32% 226 1.79% 63 3.40% 50 4.00% 10.85 MB 2.20%
6 1094 2.83% 1051 2.92% 245 1.94% 55 2.96% 46 3.68% 11.54 MB 2.34%
7 1295 3.35% 1281 3.56% 545 4.31% 74 3.99% 52 4.16% 16.72 MB 3.39%
8 1612 4.17% 1510 4.19% 661 5.23% 68 3.67% 57 4.56% 19.80 MB 4.02%
9 1533 3.96% 1439 3.99% 525 4.15% 65 3.50% 57 4.56% 15.39 MB 3.12%
10 1672 4.32% 1609 4.47% 815 6.44% 62 3.34% 51 4.08% 23.30 MB 4.73%
11 921 2.38% 873 2.42% 243 1.92% 45 2.43% 32 2.56% 10.24 MB 2.08%
12 1064 2.75% 985 2.73% 449 3.55% 52 2.80% 41 3.28% 12.75 MB 2.59%
13 1734 4.48% 1562 4.34% 401 3.17% 79 4.26% 67 5.36% 17.61 MB 3.57%
14 1146 2.96% 1045 2.90% 299 2.36% 50 2.70% 43 3.44% 11.78 MB 2.39%
15 1478 3.82% 1408 3.91% 423 3.34% 75 4.04% 55 4.40% 15.69 MB 3.19%
16 1175 3.04% 1004 2.79% 294 2.32% 65 3.50% 69 5.52% 10.06 MB 2.04%
17 1120 2.90% 965 2.68% 235 1.86% 56 3.02% 46 3.68% 9.02 MB 1.83%
18 1229 3.18% 1169 3.25% 443 3.50% 50 2.70% 43 3.44% 15.24 MB 3.09%
19 1288 3.33% 1168 3.24% 448 3.54% 50 2.70% 41 3.28% 20.43 MB 4.15%
20 1251 3.23% 1208 3.35% 586 4.63% 57 3.07% 41 3.28% 16.23 MB 3.29%
21 1389 3.59% 1295 3.60% 505 3.99% 63 3.40% 58 4.64% 16.08 MB 3.26%
22 1592 4.12% 1449 4.02% 442 3.49% 75 4.04% 64 5.12% 41.40 MB 8.40%
23 1120 2.90% 1083 3.01% 475 3.76% 45 2.43% 43 3.44% 14.00 MB 2.84%
24 1243 3.21% 1135 3.15% 455 3.60% 64 3.45% 52 4.16% 27.86 MB 5.65%
25 780 2.02% 699 1.94% 238 1.88% 51 2.75% 39 3.12% 9.12 MB 1.85%
26 1132 2.93% 1051 2.92% 318 2.51% 67 3.61% 53 4.24% 14.22 MB 2.89%
27 1111 2.87% 1017 2.82% 189 1.49% 62 3.34% 47 3.76% 9.85 MB 2.00%
28 977 2.53% 912 2.53% 184 1.45% 50 2.70% 50 4.00% 10.13 MB 2.06%
29 1511 3.91% 1375 3.82% 463 3.66% 71 3.83% 63 5.04% 15.91 MB 3.23%
30 1214 3.14% 1196 3.32% 463 3.66% 55 2.96% 50 4.00% 15.06 MB 3.06%
31 1326 3.43% 1215 3.37% 630 4.98% 63 3.40% 52 4.16% 26.93 MB 5.47%

Hourly usage for October 2008

Hourly Statistics for October 2008
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 33 1027 2.66% 31 971 2.70% 11 365 2.89% 376.71 KB 11.40 MB 2.31%
1 32 995 2.57% 30 936 2.60% 19 613 4.85% 483.04 KB 14.62 MB 2.97%
2 20 646 1.67% 20 621 1.72% 10 324 2.56% 609.64 KB 18.46 MB 3.75%
3 22 706 1.83% 21 664 1.84% 13 416 3.29% 364.51 KB 11.03 MB 2.24%
4 21 656 1.70% 19 616 1.71% 19 615 4.86% 447.58 KB 13.55 MB 2.75%
5 25 784 2.03% 23 742 2.06% 21 672 5.31% 482.49 KB 14.61 MB 2.96%
6 25 792 2.05% 22 694 1.93% 20 636 5.03% 457.21 KB 13.84 MB 2.81%
7 28 875 2.26% 27 851 2.36% 24 744 5.88% 498.44 KB 15.09 MB 3.06%
8 27 839 2.17% 22 698 1.94% 11 364 2.88% 328.14 KB 9.93 MB 2.02%
9 43 1357 3.51% 38 1190 3.30% 12 379 3.00% 452.90 KB 13.71 MB 2.78%
10 68 2121 5.48% 64 1991 5.53% 16 502 3.97% 1.08 MB 33.38 MB 6.77%
11 64 1989 5.14% 61 1902 5.28% 22 683 5.40% 737.85 KB 22.34 MB 4.53%
12 69 2163 5.59% 65 2023 5.62% 14 441 3.49% 677.99 KB 20.53 MB 4.17%
13 91 2836 7.33% 86 2672 7.42% 19 589 4.66% 971.04 KB 29.40 MB 5.97%
14 72 2254 5.83% 70 2179 6.05% 15 466 3.68% 1.46 MB 45.14 MB 9.16%
15 79 2474 6.40% 77 2409 6.69% 25 802 6.34% 870.44 KB 26.35 MB 5.35%
16 53 1667 4.31% 49 1540 4.28% 17 532 4.21% 600.41 KB 18.18 MB 3.69%
17 58 1824 4.72% 50 1573 4.37% 15 472 3.73% 625.08 KB 18.92 MB 3.84%
18 61 1906 4.93% 55 1718 4.77% 15 476 3.76% 597.51 KB 18.09 MB 3.67%
19 74 2295 5.93% 66 2069 5.74% 16 496 3.92% 1.08 MB 33.44 MB 6.79%
20 74 2317 5.99% 73 2271 6.30% 16 501 3.96% 926.55 KB 28.05 MB 5.69%
21 64 1991 5.15% 57 1788 4.96% 13 416 3.29% 626.20 KB 18.96 MB 3.85%
22 63 1974 5.10% 59 1840 5.11% 12 401 3.17% 609.06 KB 18.44 MB 3.74%
23 70 2192 5.67% 66 2063 5.73% 23 743 5.87% 834.51 KB 25.26 MB 5.13%

Top 27 of 92 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5891 15.23% 161.77 MB 32.83% /forum.php
2 4153 10.74% 87.42 MB 17.74% /forum2.php
3 1199 3.10% 4.25 MB 0.86% /pisave2.css
4 1021 2.64% 12.18 MB 2.47% /letalske_karte.php
5 816 2.11% 3.63 MB 0.74% /favicon.ico
6 438 1.13% 11.10 MB 2.25% /avio_karte.php
7 420 1.09% 73.69 MB 14.96% /flash/mapa.swf
8 179 0.46% 4.50 MB 0.91% /destinacija.php
9 160 0.41% 3.42 MB 0.69% /stran2.php
10 148 0.38% 60.38 MB 12.26% /mednarodni_leti.php
11 67 0.17% 630.58 KB 0.12% /ibs.php
12 35 0.09% 559.73 KB 0.11% /novica.php
13 23 0.06% 219.65 KB 0.04% /check_my_trip.php
14 20 0.05% 402.13 KB 0.08% /eventim_pregled.php
15 18 0.05% 194.28 KB 0.04% /jobs_online.php
16 18 0.05% 393.86 KB 0.08% /stran3.php
17 17 0.04% 197.74 KB 0.04% /eventim_podrobno.php
18 17 0.04% 123.68 KB 0.02% /tecaji_tujih_jezikov.php
19 13 0.03% 156.58 KB 0.03% /info.php
20 11 0.03% 97.88 KB 0.02% /rentacar.php
21 4 0.01% 388.74 KB 0.08% /avio_karte_listanje.php
22 3 0.01% 25.34 KB 0.01% /gap.php
23 2 0.01% 61.17 KB 0.01% /flash/studentska.swf
24 2 0.01% 43.48 KB 0.01%
25 1 0.00% 3.49 KB 0.00% /pisave.css
26 1 0.00% 19.78 KB 0.00%
27 1 0.00% 19.43 KB 0.00%

Top 10 of 92 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5891 15.23% 161.77 MB 32.83% /forum.php
2 4153 10.74% 87.42 MB 17.74% /forum2.php
3 420 1.09% 73.69 MB 14.96% /flash/mapa.swf
4 148 0.38% 60.38 MB 12.26% /mednarodni_leti.php
5 1021 2.64% 12.18 MB 2.47% /letalske_karte.php
6 438 1.13% 11.10 MB 2.25% /avio_karte.php
7 179 0.46% 4.50 MB 0.91% /destinacija.php
8 1199 3.10% 4.25 MB 0.86% /pisave2.css
9 816 2.11% 3.63 MB 0.74% /favicon.ico
10 160 0.41% 3.42 MB 0.69% /stran2.php

Top 10 of 22 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5891 15.23% 1173 71.88% /forum.php
2 4153 10.74% 241 14.77% /forum2.php
3 1021 2.64% 78 4.78% /letalske_karte.php
4 160 0.41% 43 2.63% /stran2.php
5 438 1.13% 30 1.84% /avio_karte.php
6 35 0.09% 14 0.86% /novica.php
7 18 0.05% 10 0.61% /jobs_online.php
8 17 0.04% 7 0.43% /eventim_podrobno.php
9 20 0.05% 7 0.43% /eventim_pregled.php
10 67 0.17% 5 0.31% /ibs.php

Top 10 of 22 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5891 15.23% 835 51.67% /forum.php
2 4153 10.74% 267 16.52% /forum2.php
3 1021 2.64% 148 9.16% /letalske_karte.php
4 438 1.13% 132 8.17% /avio_karte.php
5 160 0.41% 58 3.59% /stran2.php
6 179 0.46% 46 2.85% /destinacija.php
7 67 0.17% 29 1.79% /ibs.php
8 148 0.38% 28 1.73% /mednarodni_leti.php
9 35 0.09% 15 0.93% /novica.php
10 17 0.04% 10 0.62% /tecaji_tujih_jezikov.php

Top 30 of 1249 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 5242 13.55% 4915 13.64% 89.11 MB 18.09% 253 13.64% United States
2 441 1.14% 441 1.22% 18.45 MB 3.75% 48 2.59% United States
3 301 0.78% 300 0.83% 5.42 MB 1.10% 1 0.05% United States
4 301 0.78% 300 0.83% 5.57 MB 1.13% 1 0.05% United States
5 301 0.78% 300 0.83% 5.12 MB 1.04% 1 0.05% United States
6 301 0.78% 300 0.83% 5.44 MB 1.10% 1 0.05% United States
7 301 0.78% 298 0.83% 5.33 MB 1.08% 1 0.05% Sweden
8 300 0.78% 299 0.83% 5.30 MB 1.08% 1 0.05% Finland
9 279 0.72% 279 0.77% 11.70 MB 2.37% 28 1.51% Unknown
10 210 0.54% 210 0.58% 1.67 MB 0.34% 8 0.43% Croatia
11 207 0.54% 75 0.21% 1.49 MB 0.30% 8 0.43% Sweden
12 185 0.48% 185 0.51% 1.13 MB 0.23% 1 0.05% Croatia
13 171 0.44% 171 0.47% 7.19 MB 1.46% 18 0.97% United States
14 169 0.44% 169 0.47% 1.84 MB 0.37% 6 0.32% Croatia
15 162 0.42% 162 0.45% 6.77 MB 1.37% 15 0.81% United States
16 124 0.32% 124 0.34% 5.10 MB 1.03% 24 1.29% Unknown
17 112 0.29% 111 0.31% 1.38 MB 0.28% 7 0.38% Italy
18 111 0.29% 72 0.20% 1.39 MB 0.28% 50 2.70% Sweden
19 111 0.29% 23 0.06% 325.84 KB 0.06% 1 0.05% Croatia
20 104 0.27% 104 0.29% 2.64 MB 0.54% 1 0.05% Croatia
21 98 0.25% 41 0.11% 563.65 KB 0.11% 1 0.05% Croatia
22 94 0.24% 28 0.08% 336.62 KB 0.07% 1 0.05% Croatia
23 91 0.24% 91 0.25% 754.60 KB 0.15% 1 0.05% Croatia
24 91 0.24% 45 0.12% 590.96 KB 0.12% 2 0.11% Unknown
25 90 0.23% 67 0.19% 1.16 MB 0.24% 1 0.05% Unknown
26 83 0.21% 29 0.08% 353.18 KB 0.07% 1 0.05% Croatia
27 82 0.21% 54 0.15% 1.41 MB 0.29% 15 0.81% United States
28 80 0.21% 75 0.21% 1.76 MB 0.36% 6 0.32% Unknown
29 80 0.21% 61 0.17% 623.56 KB 0.12% 1 0.05% Croatia
30 78 0.20% 78 0.22% 799.71 KB 0.16% 3 0.16% Croatia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1249 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 5242 13.55% 4915 13.64% 89.11 MB 18.09% 253 13.64% United States
2 32 0.08% 32 0.09% 23.44 MB 4.76% 1 0.05% France
3 441 1.14% 441 1.22% 18.45 MB 3.75% 48 2.59% United States
4 55 0.14% 15 0.04% 13.03 MB 2.64% 2 0.11% Bosnia and Herzegovina
5 279 0.72% 279 0.77% 11.70 MB 2.37% 28 1.51% Unknown
6 49 0.13% 49 0.14% 10.76 MB 2.18% 1 0.05% Croatia
7 39 0.10% 38 0.11% 7.41 MB 1.50% 1 0.05% Netherlands
8 171 0.44% 171 0.47% 7.19 MB 1.46% 18 0.97% United States
9 162 0.42% 162 0.45% 6.77 MB 1.37% 15 0.81% United States
10 301 0.78% 300 0.83% 5.57 MB 1.13% 1 0.05% United States

Top 30 of 77 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 16676 43.11%
2 9516 24.60% - (Direct Request)
3 2752 7.11%
4 2695 6.97%
5 1078 2.79%
6 970 2.51%
7 829 2.14%
8 794 2.05%
9 573 1.48%
10 430 1.11%
11 370 0.96%
12 337 0.87%
13 250 0.65%
14 243 0.63%
15 173 0.45%
16 135 0.35%
17 131 0.34%
18 98 0.25%
19 86 0.22%
20 68 0.18%
21 59 0.15%
22 36 0.09%
23 32 0.08%
24 25 0.06%
25 25 0.06%
26 22 0.06%
27 22 0.06%
28 21 0.05%
29 20 0.05%
30 19 0.05%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 159 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 3 1.69% avio karte zagreb poznan
2 3 1.69% avion karte za novi zeland
3 3 1.69% let hamburg-zagreb
4 2 1.12% avio karta rezerviranje
5 2 1.12% avio karte rim bratislava zagreb
6 2 1.12% avio karte tajland
7 2 1.12% avionske karte lihtenštajn
8 2 1.12% cena avionske karte za australiju
9 2 1.12% direkt linija skopje zagreb
10 2 1.12% jeftina karta split pariz
11 2 1.12% job fair ccusa
12 2 1.12% krvavi most
13 2 1.12% pansion lion u sarajevu cjene
14 2 1.12% sta avionske karte slo
15 2 1.12% vizzair
16 2 1.12% zagreb helsinki avio karta
17 1 0.56% 387 zora
18 1 0.56% adria airways rim zagreb
19 1 0.56% aerodromska taksa expedia
20 1 0.56% antonio malevom
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 69 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 11646 30.11% Mozilla/5.0
2 9141 23.63% MSIE 6.0
3 8742 22.60% MSIE 7.0
4 5024 12.99% Googlebot/2.1
5 1805 4.67% MJ12bot/v1.2
6 263 0.68% Opera/9.52
7 230 0.59% Googlebot-Image/1.0
8 198 0.51% Opera/9.51
9 173 0.45% MSIE 5.5
10 170 0.44% Opera/9.60
11 124 0.32% MSIE 8.0
12 116 0.30% Opera/9.10
13 111 0.29% Speedy Spider (
14 100 0.26% MSIE 5.0
15 82 0.21% ia_archiver (+;
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for October 2008

Top 30 of 48 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 18667 48.26% 17291 48.00% 156.79 MB 31.82% Croatia (Hrvatska)
2 7974 20.62% 7515 20.86% 152.83 MB 31.02% United States
3 6118 15.82% 5800 16.10% 76.93 MB 15.61% Unresolved/Unknown
4 1695 4.38% 1595 4.43% 27.01 MB 5.48% Bosnia and Herzegovina
5 766 1.98% 566 1.57% 9.81 MB 1.99% Sweden
6 722 1.87% 722 2.00% 7.10 MB 1.44% Yugoslavia
7 611 1.58% 607 1.69% 5.92 MB 1.20% Slovenia
8 300 0.78% 299 0.83% 5.30 MB 1.08% Finland
9 240 0.62% 224 0.62% 2.12 MB 0.43% Italy
10 174 0.45% 161 0.45% 1.24 MB 0.25% Austria
11 161 0.42% 150 0.42% 2.24 MB 0.45% Germany
12 85 0.22% 82 0.23% 8.62 MB 1.75% Netherlands
13 83 0.21% 51 0.14% 450.75 KB 0.09% Australia
14 82 0.21% 82 0.23% 1.09 MB 0.22% Czech Republic
15 76 0.20% 41 0.11% 753.89 KB 0.15% Great Britain (UK)
16 71 0.18% 57 0.16% 1.53 MB 0.31% Russian Federation
17 71 0.18% 50 0.14% 480.32 KB 0.10% Zaire
18 69 0.18% 54 0.15% 23.75 MB 4.82% France
19 68 0.18% 67 0.19% 412.21 KB 0.08% Denmark
20 60 0.16% 41 0.11% 176.37 KB 0.03% Luxembourg
21 50 0.13% 50 0.14% 174.19 KB 0.03% Hungary
22 46 0.12% 46 0.13% 272.39 KB 0.05% Spain
23 42 0.11% 42 0.12% 1.77 MB 0.36% Saudi Arabia
24 40 0.10% 40 0.11% 682.42 KB 0.14% Ukraine
25 30 0.08% 30 0.08% 534.61 KB 0.11% Brazil
26 29 0.07% 29 0.08% 92.77 KB 0.02% Switzerland
27 26 0.07% 26 0.07% 207.64 KB 0.04% Norway
28 25 0.06% 23 0.06% 133.81 KB 0.03% Canada
29 24 0.06% 24 0.07% 133.19 KB 0.03% Ireland
30 24 0.06% 24 0.07% 459.46 KB 0.09% Thailand

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)