Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2006
Generated 01-Apr-2006 04:28 CEST
GEO-106FREE 20041102 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2004 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2006
Total Hits 99850
Total Files 70598
Total Pages 18619
Total Visits 3903
Total KBytes 2.05 GB
Total Unique Sites 2166
Total Unique URLs 622
Total Unique Referrers 205
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 73
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 134 1612
Hits per Day 3220 6650
Files per Day 2277 3916
Pages per Day 600 1377
Visits per Day 125 223
KBytes per Day 67.77 MB 120.79 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 70598
Code 206 - Partial Content 2593
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 4
Code 302 - Found 102
Code 304 - Not Modified 23299
Code 401 - Unauthorized 21
Code 403 - Forbidden 1951
Code 404 - Not Found 1282

Daily usage for March 2006

Daily Statistics for March 2006
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2256 2.26% 1445 2.05% 346 1.86% 88 2.25% 110 5.08% 49.95 MB 2.38%
2 3272 3.28% 2508 3.55% 499 2.68% 116 2.97% 113 5.22% 59.70 MB 2.84%
3 1947 1.95% 1660 2.35% 673 3.61% 183 4.69% 151 6.97% 34.40 MB 1.64%
4 2603 2.61% 2051 2.91% 701 3.76% 105 2.69% 106 4.89% 59.23 MB 2.82%
5 1458 1.46% 1217 1.72% 213 1.14% 104 2.66% 114 5.26% 23.44 MB 1.12%
6 3897 3.90% 2529 3.58% 490 2.63% 107 2.74% 118 5.45% 79.92 MB 3.80%
7 4283 4.29% 3282 4.65% 522 2.80% 120 3.07% 135 6.23% 94.31 MB 4.49%
8 3764 3.77% 2713 3.84% 623 3.35% 151 3.87% 140 6.46% 120.79 MB 5.75%
9 3996 4.00% 2918 4.13% 788 4.23% 109 2.79% 125 5.77% 80.79 MB 3.85%
10 2920 2.92% 1887 2.67% 416 2.23% 119 3.05% 114 5.26% 59.05 MB 2.81%
11 2233 2.24% 1993 2.82% 619 3.32% 103 2.64% 95 4.39% 76.39 MB 3.64%
12 1832 1.83% 1566 2.22% 707 3.80% 109 2.79% 109 5.03% 50.24 MB 2.39%
13 4068 4.07% 2524 3.58% 571 3.07% 117 3.00% 134 6.19% 87.82 MB 4.18%
14 5368 5.38% 3211 4.55% 1142 6.13% 135 3.46% 115 5.31% 68.57 MB 3.26%
15 6650 6.66% 3368 4.77% 654 3.51% 153 3.92% 151 6.97% 74.12 MB 3.53%
16 4540 4.55% 3161 4.48% 866 4.65% 223 5.71% 171 7.89% 116.62 MB 5.55%
17 4906 4.91% 3282 4.65% 735 3.95% 127 3.25% 190 8.77% 116.39 MB 5.54%
18 1217 1.22% 882 1.25% 226 1.21% 79 2.02% 101 4.66% 27.25 MB 1.30%
19 1671 1.67% 1128 1.60% 533 2.86% 97 2.49% 100 4.62% 27.71 MB 1.32%
20 3535 3.54% 2815 3.99% 584 3.14% 165 4.23% 184 8.49% 58.47 MB 2.78%
21 3718 3.72% 2502 3.54% 585 3.14% 166 4.25% 184 8.49% 56.81 MB 2.70%
22 3748 3.75% 2599 3.68% 698 3.75% 125 3.20% 130 6.00% 96.83 MB 4.61%
23 5378 5.39% 3916 5.55% 1377 7.40% 142 3.64% 143 6.60% 106.00 MB 5.05%
24 2824 2.83% 1980 2.80% 378 2.03% 118 3.02% 108 4.99% 55.35 MB 2.63%
25 1168 1.17% 911 1.29% 276 1.48% 97 2.49% 95 4.39% 42.88 MB 2.04%
26 1211 1.21% 1042 1.48% 316 1.70% 74 1.90% 88 4.06% 30.59 MB 1.46%
27 3724 3.73% 2742 3.88% 836 4.49% 133 3.41% 146 6.74% 83.88 MB 3.99%
28 2741 2.75% 2156 3.05% 560 3.01% 119 3.05% 140 6.46% 75.62 MB 3.60%
29 3433 3.44% 2315 3.28% 587 3.15% 139 3.56% 135 6.23% 88.67 MB 4.22%
30 2731 2.74% 2293 3.25% 570 3.06% 152 3.89% 132 6.09% 46.03 MB 2.19%
31 2758 2.76% 2002 2.84% 528 2.84% 134 3.43% 111 5.12% 53.11 MB 2.53%

Hourly usage for March 2006

Hourly Statistics for March 2006
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 57 1771 1.77% 39 1210 1.71% 14 434 2.33% 1.11 MB 34.48 MB 1.64%
1 34 1056 1.06% 23 719 1.02% 12 373 2.00% 786.17 KB 23.80 MB 1.13%
2 22 699 0.70% 17 553 0.78% 8 249 1.34% 888.31 KB 26.89 MB 1.28%
3 18 587 0.59% 15 491 0.70% 9 301 1.62% 358.62 KB 10.86 MB 0.52%
4 19 612 0.61% 15 491 0.70% 7 244 1.31% 839.98 KB 25.43 MB 1.21%
5 17 539 0.54% 12 380 0.54% 6 195 1.05% 354.00 KB 10.72 MB 0.51%
6 50 1575 1.58% 41 1281 1.81% 12 387 2.08% 1.96 MB 60.75 MB 2.89%
7 148 4598 4.60% 101 3156 4.47% 28 897 4.82% 3.55 MB 110.20 MB 5.25%
8 221 6857 6.87% 149 4632 6.56% 38 1200 6.45% 5.13 MB 159.02 MB 7.57%
9 273 8470 8.48% 189 5866 8.31% 63 1953 10.49% 5.71 MB 177.13 MB 8.43%
10 288 8936 8.95% 179 5555 7.87% 44 1381 7.42% 5.44 MB 168.50 MB 8.02%
11 274 8498 8.51% 184 5721 8.10% 40 1243 6.68% 5.47 MB 169.58 MB 8.07%
12 275 8539 8.55% 185 5745 8.14% 46 1456 7.82% 4.25 MB 131.85 MB 6.28%
13 270 8381 8.39% 178 5538 7.84% 45 1411 7.58% 6.14 MB 190.32 MB 9.06%
14 261 8102 8.11% 166 5169 7.32% 45 1399 7.51% 5.90 MB 182.99 MB 8.71%
15 155 4831 4.84% 119 3717 5.27% 24 747 4.01% 3.04 MB 94.17 MB 4.48%
16 95 2949 2.95% 77 2405 3.41% 16 514 2.76% 1.68 MB 52.04 MB 2.48%
17 156 4842 4.85% 113 3508 4.97% 24 746 4.01% 3.67 MB 113.69 MB 5.41%
18 101 3145 3.15% 83 2603 3.69% 21 658 3.53% 2.02 MB 62.47 MB 2.97%
19 121 3778 3.78% 100 3103 4.40% 23 721 3.87% 2.30 MB 71.20 MB 3.39%
20 105 3270 3.27% 93 2912 4.12% 16 501 2.69% 2.01 MB 62.42 MB 2.97%
21 119 3714 3.72% 94 2931 4.15% 20 645 3.46% 2.39 MB 74.24 MB 3.53%
22 75 2336 2.34% 53 1656 2.35% 16 526 2.83% 1.52 MB 47.21 MB 2.25%
23 56 1765 1.77% 40 1256 1.78% 14 438 2.35% 1.32 MB 40.99 MB 1.95%

Top 30 of 622 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6843 6.85% 172.60 MB 8.22% /produkti.php
2 4463 4.47% 26.47 MB 1.26% /iframe.php
3 1904 1.91% 9.54 MB 0.45% /scripts/ajlib.js
4 1896 1.90% 29.89 MB 1.42% /scripts/ajmenu.js
5 1895 1.90% 3.58 MB 0.17% /pisave.css
6 1397 1.40% 22.94 MB 1.09% /images/ps.swf
7 1157 1.16% 41.50 MB 1.98% /
8 1132 1.13% 17.36 MB 0.83% /strani.php
9 512 0.51% 11.51 MB 0.55% /opodjetju.php
10 474 0.47% 9.76 MB 0.46% /dogodki.php
11 466 0.47% 10.15 MB 0.48% /aplikacije.php
12 447 0.45% 733.01 KB 0.03% /download.php
13 446 0.45% 9.08 MB 0.43% /clanki.php
14 410 0.41% 9.28 MB 0.44% /zastopnistvo.php
15 271 0.27% 7.53 MB 0.36% /reference.php
16 251 0.25% 10.67 MB 0.51% /prenosdatotek.php
17 233 0.23% 3.29 MB 0.16% /uporabniki.php
18 230 0.23% 5.58 MB 0.27% /izobrazevanja.php
19 194 0.19% 7.19 MB 0.34% /domov.php
20 185 0.19% 35.75 MB 1.70% /dokumenti/Commander_SK/Comm_SK_Technical_Data_Iss1.pdf
21 175 0.18% 39.78 MB 1.89% /dokumenti/Commander_SK/Comm_SK_AUG_iss2.pdf
22 171 0.17% 9.75 MB 0.46% /dokumenti/Razno/Clanki/Perme.pdf
23 164 0.16% 13.75 MB 0.65% /dokumenti/UnidriveSP/Opcijske_kartice/SM-Uni_Encoder_Plus_UG1.pdf
24 153 0.15% 14.63 MB 0.70% /dokumenti/UnidriveSP/Opcijske_kartice/SM-Ethernet_UG_iss1.pdf
25 144 0.14% 5.91 MB 0.28% /galerija/PS_stavba
26 128 0.13% 12.87 MB 0.61% /dokumenti/Maestro/MaestroUG_Iss4.pdf
27 118 0.12% 46.32 KB 0.00% /urejanje/editor_files/blank.php
28 117 0.12% 2.18 MB 0.10% /xtree.js
29 112 0.11% 1.56 MB 0.07% /urejanje/produkti.php
30 106 0.11% 13.67 MB 0.65% /dokumenti/CommanderSE/CSE_UG_iss9.pdf
View All URLs

Top 10 of 622 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 67 0.07% 183.67 MB 8.74% /dokumenti/Trio/Manual_6.pdf
2 6843 6.85% 172.60 MB 8.22% /produkti.php
3 1157 1.16% 41.50 MB 1.98% /
4 175 0.18% 39.78 MB 1.89% /dokumenti/Commander_SK/Comm_SK_AUG_iss2.pdf
5 185 0.19% 35.75 MB 1.70% /dokumenti/Commander_SK/Comm_SK_Technical_Data_Iss1.pdf
6 42 0.04% 33.26 MB 1.58% /dokumenti/Commander_SK/CommanderSK.pdf
7 24 0.02% 31.53 MB 1.50% /dokumenti/TOPP/TOPP_2004_ENG_LOW_RES.pdf
8 50 0.05% 30.92 MB 1.47% /dokumenti/Commander_SK/Brosura_SK-_SLO.pdf
9 72 0.07% 29.92 MB 1.42% /dokumenti/Unimotor/Unimotor_Brochure_ver2.pdf
10 1896 1.90% 29.89 MB 1.42% /scripts/ajmenu.js

Top 10 of 29 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6843 6.85% 1506 38.66% /produkti.php
2 1157 1.16% 907 23.29% /
3 1132 1.13% 353 9.06% /strani.php
4 512 0.51% 143 3.67% /opodjetju.php
5 474 0.47% 142 3.65% /dogodki.php
6 446 0.45% 138 3.54% /clanki.php
7 466 0.47% 114 2.93% /aplikacije.php
8 447 0.45% 103 2.64% /download.php
9 271 0.27% 95 2.44% /reference.php
10 410 0.41% 89 2.28% /zastopnistvo.php

Top 10 of 29 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 6843 6.85% 1010 25.97% /produkti.php
2 4463 4.47% 980 25.20% /iframe.php
3 1157 1.16% 560 14.40% /
4 1132 1.13% 388 9.98% /strani.php
5 447 0.45% 149 3.83% /download.php
6 446 0.45% 124 3.19% /clanki.php
7 474 0.47% 123 3.16% /dogodki.php
8 512 0.51% 86 2.21% /opodjetju.php
9 466 0.47% 85 2.19% /aplikacije.php
10 410 0.41% 77 1.98% /zastopnistvo.php

Top 30 of 2166 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 3285 3.29% 1105 1.57% 21.90 MB 1.04% 65 1.67% Slovenia
2 2225 2.23% 248 0.35% 5.99 MB 0.28% 5 0.13% Slovenia
3 1461 1.46% 584 0.83% 16.85 MB 0.80% 7 0.18% Slovenia
4 1413 1.42% 1342 1.90% 132.75 MB 6.32% 35 0.90% Slovenia
5 1376 1.38% 1359 1.92% 22.58 MB 1.07% 7 0.18% Slovenia
6 1242 1.24% 1217 1.72% 20.02 MB 0.95% 6 0.15% Slovenia
7 1203 1.20% 1195 1.69% 27.18 MB 1.29% 27 0.69% Slovenia
8 1202 1.20% 885 1.25% 19.60 MB 0.93% 19 0.49% Slovenia
9 1114 1.12% 431 0.61% 12.17 MB 0.58% 8 0.20% Slovenia
10 1091 1.09% 790 1.12% 27.50 MB 1.31% 38 0.97% Slovenia
11 1072 1.07% 795 1.13% 47.06 MB 2.24% 34 0.87% Slovenia
12 997 1.00% 355 0.50% 9.29 MB 0.44% 19 0.49% Slovenia
13 950 0.95% 850 1.20% 19.42 MB 0.92% 12 0.31% Slovenia
14 874 0.88% 438 0.62% 11.70 MB 0.56% 6 0.15% Slovenia
15 845 0.85% 653 0.92% 33.59 MB 1.60% 14 0.36% Slovenia
16 757 0.76% 430 0.61% 20.00 MB 0.95% 5 0.13% Slovenia
17 733 0.73% 651 0.92% 11.26 MB 0.54% 7 0.18% Slovenia
18 720 0.72% 437 0.62% 19.45 MB 0.93% 8 0.20% Slovenia
19 700 0.70% 279 0.40% 7.74 MB 0.37% 7 0.18% Slovenia
20 668 0.67% 82 0.12% 1.14 MB 0.05% 2 0.05% Slovenia
21 657 0.66% 448 0.63% 52.62 MB 2.50% 13 0.33% Slovenia
22 592 0.59% 241 0.34% 12.60 MB 0.60% 2 0.05% Slovenia
23 569 0.57% 401 0.57% 25.97 MB 1.24% 9 0.23% Slovenia
24 554 0.55% 127 0.18% 1.73 MB 0.08% 2 0.05% Slovenia
25 546 0.55% 534 0.76% 9.03 MB 0.43% 6 0.15% Slovenia
26 545 0.55% 516 0.73% 11.17 MB 0.53% 58 1.49% United States
27 542 0.54% 533 0.75% 67.30 MB 3.20% 6 0.15% Slovenia
28 524 0.52% 500 0.71% 9.37 MB 0.45% 7 0.18% Slovenia
29 504 0.50% 292 0.41% 25.42 MB 1.21% 2 0.05% Slovenia
30 456 0.46% 103 0.15% 1.86 MB 0.09% 4 0.10% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 2166 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1413 1.42% 1342 1.90% 132.75 MB 6.32% 35 0.90% Slovenia
2 542 0.54% 533 0.75% 67.30 MB 3.20% 6 0.15% Slovenia
3 657 0.66% 448 0.63% 52.62 MB 2.50% 13 0.33% Slovenia
4 1072 1.07% 795 1.13% 47.06 MB 2.24% 34 0.87% Slovenia
5 845 0.85% 653 0.92% 33.59 MB 1.60% 14 0.36% Slovenia
6 238 0.24% 203 0.29% 28.13 MB 1.34% 4 0.10% Slovenia
7 356 0.36% 284 0.40% 28.03 MB 1.33% 104 2.66% United States
8 1091 1.09% 790 1.12% 27.50 MB 1.31% 38 0.97% Slovenia
9 1203 1.20% 1195 1.69% 27.18 MB 1.29% 27 0.69% Slovenia
10 569 0.57% 401 0.57% 25.97 MB 1.24% 9 0.23% Slovenia

Top 30 of 205 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 20150 20.18% - (Direct Request)
2 761 0.76%
3 427 0.43%
4 95 0.10%
5 72 0.07%
6 71 0.07%
7 23 0.02%
8 23 0.02%
9 22 0.02%
10 22 0.02%
11 14 0.01%
12 14 0.01%
13 13 0.01%
14 13 0.01%
15 13 0.01%
16 12 0.01%
17 12 0.01%
18 11 0.01%
19 11 0.01%
20 11 0.01%
21 11 0.01%
22 10 0.01%
23 9 0.01%
24 9 0.01%
25 8 0.01%
26 8 0.01%
27 8 0.01%
28 7 0.01%
29 7 0.01%
30 7 0.01%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 341 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 90 9.72% ps logatec
2 38 4.10% reduktor
3 33 3.56% servo motor
4 25 2.70% planetni reduktor
5 22 2.38% reduktorji
6 22 2.38% zemljevid evrope
7 19 2.05% logatec
8 17 1.84% ps
9 17 1.84% servo motorji
10 13 1.40% sklopke
11 12 1.30% frekvenĨni regulator
12 11 1.19% mehki zagon
13 11 1.19% ps-log
14 10 1.08% frekvenĨni regulatorji
15 10 1.08% profibus
16 10 1.08% strojegradnja
17 9 0.97% du%c5%a1ilka
18 9 0.97% krmilniki
19 9 0.97% ps d.o.o. logatec
20 8 0.86% aktuator
View All Search Strings

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 651 0.65% 536 0.76% 8.06 MB 0.38% 26 0.67% pslog

Top 15 of 73 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 65382 65.48% MSIE 6.0
2 17406 17.43% Mozilla/5.0
3 3566 3.57% Najdi.s
4 2052 2.06% MSIE 5.5
5 1730 1.73% Yahoo! Slurp
6 1499 1.50% MSIE 5.0
7 1450 1.45% MSIE 5.01
8 1209 1.21% msnbot/1.0 (+
9 1203 1.20% ASPseek/1.2.10
10 676 0.68% Googlebot/2.1
11 617 0.62% Gigabot/2.0/
12 545 0.55% msnbot/0.9 (+
13 351 0.35% TurnitinBot/2.0
14 301 0.30% Konqueror/3.5
15 259 0.26% Yahoo! Slurp China
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for March 2006

Top 30 of 60 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 74207 74.32% 52953 75.01% 1.39 GB 67.69% Slovenia
2 10671 10.69% 8043 11.39% 228.37 MB 10.87% Unresolved/Unknown
3 5595 5.60% 4191 5.94% 201.35 MB 9.58% United States
4 1734 1.74% 1135 1.61% 34.13 MB 1.62% Croatia (Hrvatska)
5 932 0.93% 811 1.15% 18.72 MB 0.89% Germany
6 654 0.65% 645 0.91% 21.48 MB 1.02% Italy
7 551 0.55% 494 0.70% 16.19 MB 0.77% Spain
8 426 0.43% 334 0.47% 8.69 MB 0.41% Canada
9 413 0.41% 375 0.53% 5.19 MB 0.25% Turkey
10 386 0.39% 313 0.44% 8.47 MB 0.40% Poland
11 347 0.35% 295 0.42% 5.13 MB 0.24% China
12 341 0.34% 223 0.32% 3.66 MB 0.17% Austria
13 286 0.29% 280 0.40% 14.18 MB 0.67% Great Britain (UK)
14 271 0.27% 267 0.38% 3.83 MB 0.18% France
15 246 0.25% 244 0.35% 3.64 MB 0.17% Yugoslavia
16 233 0.23% 230 0.33% 5.08 MB 0.24% Netherlands
17 211 0.21% 208 0.29% 6.13 MB 0.29% Russian Federation
18 179 0.18% 85 0.12% 3.22 MB 0.15% Bosnia and Herzegovina
19 165 0.17% 126 0.18% 1.85 MB 0.09% Slovak Republic
20 160 0.16% 154 0.22% 2.64 MB 0.13% Sweden
21 156 0.16% 156 0.22% 3.98 MB 0.19% Hungary
22 131 0.13% 130 0.18% 4.02 MB 0.19% Belgium
23 125 0.13% 125 0.18% 3.85 MB 0.18% India
24 102 0.10% 97 0.14% 6.78 MB 0.32% Japan
25 97 0.10% 96 0.14% 2.36 MB 0.11% Norway
26 91 0.09% 91 0.13% 3.75 MB 0.18% Chile
27 91 0.09% 54 0.08% 784.49 KB 0.04% Uruguay
28 88 0.09% 87 0.12% 1.26 MB 0.06% Portugal
29 83 0.08% 82 0.12% 1.15 MB 0.05% Ukraine
30 74 0.07% 74 0.10% 1007.86 KB 0.05% Brazil

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)