Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2009
Generated 01-Mar-2009 04:57 CET
GEO-106FREE 20070601 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2009
Total Hits 205840
Total Files 169723
Total Pages 20751
Total Visits 4708
Total KBytes 1.55 GB
Total Unique Sites 3144
Total Unique URLs 222
Total Unique Referrers 158
Total Unique User Agents 58
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 306 1238
Hits per Day 7351 10727
Files per Day 6061 8670
Pages per Day 741 1093
Visits per Day 168 222
KBytes per Day 56.56 MB 81.01 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 169723
Code 206 - Partial Content 2913
Code 304 - Not Modified 28411
Code 404 - Not Found 4792
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 1

Daily usage for February 2009

Daily Statistics for February 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 5265 2.56% 4583 2.70% 635 3.06% 139 2.95% 109 3.47% 42.15 MB 2.66%
2 7893 3.83% 6475 3.82% 751 3.62% 185 3.93% 166 5.28% 58.55 MB 3.70%
3 8334 4.05% 7138 4.21% 757 3.65% 196 4.16% 162 5.15% 62.73 MB 3.96%
4 7781 3.78% 6281 3.70% 812 3.91% 192 4.08% 146 4.64% 55.49 MB 3.50%
5 7388 3.59% 6080 3.58% 795 3.83% 161 3.42% 133 4.23% 67.59 MB 4.27%
6 6893 3.35% 5879 3.46% 689 3.32% 164 3.48% 148 4.71% 54.88 MB 3.47%
7 7646 3.71% 6269 3.69% 790 3.81% 175 3.72% 140 4.45% 60.13 MB 3.80%
8 5926 2.88% 5166 3.04% 576 2.78% 154 3.27% 128 4.07% 49.61 MB 3.13%
9 9513 4.62% 8033 4.73% 944 4.55% 221 4.69% 184 5.85% 72.20 MB 4.56%
10 9692 4.71% 7687 4.53% 1093 5.27% 189 4.01% 161 5.12% 81.01 MB 5.11%
11 10590 5.14% 8457 4.98% 908 4.38% 216 4.59% 182 5.79% 76.33 MB 4.82%
12 7057 3.43% 6036 3.56% 768 3.70% 177 3.76% 158 5.03% 56.97 MB 3.60%
13 6211 3.02% 4802 2.83% 554 2.67% 144 3.06% 123 3.91% 46.50 MB 2.94%
14 4753 2.31% 3880 2.29% 530 2.55% 113 2.40% 91 2.89% 36.75 MB 2.32%
15 5483 2.66% 4613 2.72% 649 3.13% 137 2.91% 101 3.21% 43.93 MB 2.77%
16 8421 4.09% 7072 4.17% 837 4.03% 175 3.72% 154 4.90% 61.93 MB 3.91%
17 7661 3.72% 6269 3.69% 679 3.27% 175 3.72% 158 5.03% 54.04 MB 3.41%
18 7888 3.83% 6564 3.87% 745 3.59% 161 3.42% 143 4.55% 65.24 MB 4.12%
19 6566 3.19% 5487 3.23% 650 3.13% 161 3.42% 129 4.10% 47.88 MB 3.02%
20 7045 3.42% 5705 3.36% 687 3.31% 156 3.31% 124 3.94% 53.26 MB 3.36%
21 5991 2.91% 4698 2.77% 598 2.88% 141 2.99% 116 3.69% 42.78 MB 2.70%
22 5867 2.85% 4749 2.80% 615 2.96% 150 3.19% 117 3.72% 48.76 MB 3.08%
23 10727 5.21% 8670 5.11% 1051 5.06% 222 4.72% 185 5.88% 80.12 MB 5.06%
24 8790 4.27% 7219 4.25% 856 4.13% 172 3.65% 153 4.87% 67.40 MB 4.26%
25 8202 3.98% 6571 3.87% 816 3.93% 186 3.95% 149 4.74% 59.96 MB 3.79%
26 7047 3.42% 5751 3.39% 692 3.33% 155 3.29% 139 4.42% 50.90 MB 3.21%
27 7126 3.46% 6143 3.62% 841 4.05% 171 3.63% 128 4.07% 56.96 MB 3.60%
28 4084 1.98% 3446 2.03% 433 2.09% 123 2.61% 87 2.77% 29.75 MB 1.88%

Hourly usage for February 2009

Hourly Statistics for February 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 88 2491 1.21% 78 2184 1.29% 18 523 2.52% 746.99 KB 20.43 MB 1.29%
1 36 1014 0.49% 33 946 0.56% 7 211 1.02% 280.89 KB 7.68 MB 0.48%
2 36 1016 0.49% 18 518 0.31% 5 154 0.74% 181.89 KB 4.97 MB 0.31%
3 22 639 0.31% 15 421 0.25% 8 224 1.08% 160.46 KB 4.39 MB 0.28%
4 3 98 0.05% 1 55 0.03% 2 65 0.31% 27.67 KB 774.86 KB 0.05%
5 6 181 0.09% 4 126 0.07% 1 47 0.23% 67.42 KB 1.84 MB 0.12%
6 54 1532 0.74% 48 1347 0.79% 6 182 0.88% 451.49 KB 12.35 MB 0.78%
7 144 4044 1.96% 119 3335 1.96% 13 384 1.85% 1.12 MB 31.27 MB 1.97%
8 321 8991 4.37% 244 6836 4.03% 29 827 3.99% 2.32 MB 64.96 MB 4.10%
9 511 14333 6.96% 414 11617 6.84% 60 1681 8.10% 3.92 MB 109.81 MB 6.93%
10 569 15940 7.74% 474 13296 7.83% 52 1476 7.11% 4.19 MB 117.34 MB 7.41%
11 513 14390 6.99% 414 11595 6.83% 49 1383 6.66% 3.82 MB 107.06 MB 6.76%
12 440 12321 5.99% 361 10121 5.96% 39 1095 5.28% 3.27 MB 91.68 MB 5.79%
13 511 14333 6.96% 409 11466 6.76% 44 1245 6.00% 3.85 MB 107.82 MB 6.81%
14 505 14165 6.88% 421 11790 6.95% 46 1305 6.29% 3.90 MB 109.17 MB 6.89%
15 455 12751 6.19% 382 10703 6.31% 44 1250 6.02% 3.57 MB 99.91 MB 6.31%
16 391 10955 5.32% 314 8808 5.19% 35 996 4.80% 2.97 MB 83.20 MB 5.25%
17 410 11502 5.59% 354 9926 5.85% 39 1100 5.30% 3.17 MB 88.83 MB 5.61%
18 495 13879 6.74% 417 11686 6.89% 46 1297 6.25% 3.97 MB 111.24 MB 7.02%
19 490 13735 6.67% 414 11594 6.83% 45 1287 6.20% 3.81 MB 106.75 MB 6.74%
20 459 12868 6.25% 389 10915 6.43% 51 1444 6.96% 3.79 MB 106.07 MB 6.70%
21 401 11252 5.47% 329 9223 5.43% 39 1113 5.36% 3.16 MB 88.60 MB 5.59%
22 351 9832 4.78% 292 8184 4.82% 36 1019 4.91% 2.78 MB 77.73 MB 4.91%
23 127 3578 1.74% 108 3031 1.79% 15 443 2.13% 1.07 MB 29.95 MB 1.89%

Top 30 of 222 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 4131 2.01% 11.78 MB 0.74% /css/pisave.css
2 3719 1.81% 461.41 MB 29.13% /downloads/CENIK2008-nov2.pdf
3 3440 1.67% 53.85 MB 3.40% /
4 1723 0.84% 19.19 MB 1.21% /cenik.php
5 1122 0.55% 17.20 MB 1.09% /lezisca.php
6 1018 0.49% 15.32 MB 0.97% /lezisca_latex.php
7 995 0.48% 13.28 MB 0.84% /program.php
8 719 0.35% 9.73 MB 0.61% /lezisca_pena.php
9 536 0.26% 7.98 MB 0.50% /lezisca_vzmetnice.php
10 529 0.26% 7.33 MB 0.46% /posteljna_dna.php
11 441 0.21% 6.23 MB 0.39% /nasveti.php
12 436 0.21% 5.85 MB 0.37% /vzglavniki.php
13 403 0.20% 4.70 MB 0.30% /lezisca_classic.php
14 396 0.19% 4.16 MB 0.26% /posteljnina.php
15 373 0.18% 3.64 MB 0.23% /poslovalnice.php
16 340 0.17% 3.92 MB 0.25% /podjetje_dollar.php
17 339 0.16% 3.36 MB 0.21% /informacije.php
18 339 0.16% 2.80 MB 0.18% /izpis_novice.php
19 322 0.16% 3.67 MB 0.23% /lezisca_comfort.php
20 313 0.15% 3.55 MB 0.22% /lezisca_ortopedic.php
21 301 0.15% 3.73 MB 0.24% /lezisca_ergonomic.php
22 282 0.14% 3.58 MB 0.23% /luxoflex_fix.php
23 275 0.13% 3.09 MB 0.19% /lezisca_siesta.php
24 271 0.13% 3.18 MB 0.20% /lezisca_po_meri.php
25 258 0.13% 3.10 MB 0.20% /lezisca_ergo_med.php
26 254 0.12% 1.98 MB 0.12% /salon_celje.php
27 249 0.12% 3.24 MB 0.20% /15_ugodnosti.php
28 243 0.12% 2.76 MB 0.17% /lezisca_medical.php
29 230 0.11% 2.63 MB 0.17% /lezisca_airplus.php
30 222 0.11% 2.59 MB 0.16% /lezisca_anatom.php
View All URLs

Top 10 of 222 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3719 1.81% 461.41 MB 29.13% /downloads/CENIK2008-nov2.pdf
2 3440 1.67% 53.85 MB 3.40% /
3 1723 0.84% 19.19 MB 1.21% /cenik.php
4 1122 0.55% 17.20 MB 1.09% /lezisca.php
5 1018 0.49% 15.32 MB 0.97% /lezisca_latex.php
6 995 0.48% 13.28 MB 0.84% /program.php
7 29 0.01% 12.92 MB 0.82% /downloads/DOLLAR_Cenik_2007.pdf
8 4131 2.01% 11.78 MB 0.74% /css/pisave.css
9 719 0.35% 9.73 MB 0.61% /lezisca_pena.php
10 155 0.08% 9.42 MB 0.59% /slike/flash/zem1spar.swf

Top 10 of 59 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3440 1.67% 2574 56.53% /
2 1122 0.55% 387 8.50% /lezisca.php
3 1723 0.84% 126 2.77% /cenik.php
4 396 0.19% 121 2.66% /posteljnina.php
5 1018 0.49% 91 2.00% /lezisca_latex.php
6 529 0.26% 84 1.84% /posteljna_dna.php
7 436 0.21% 84 1.84% /vzglavniki.php
8 719 0.35% 65 1.43% /lezisca_pena.php
9 441 0.21% 58 1.27% /nasveti.php
10 187 0.09% 54 1.19% /antirevmatski_program.php

Top 10 of 59 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3440 1.67% 1168 25.68% /
2 1723 0.84% 558 12.27% /cenik.php
3 1122 0.55% 212 4.66% /lezisca.php
4 339 0.16% 141 3.10% /informacije.php
5 995 0.48% 121 2.66% /program.php
6 441 0.21% 115 2.53% /nasveti.php
7 396 0.19% 115 2.53% /posteljnina.php
8 271 0.13% 99 2.18% /lezisca_po_meri.php
9 719 0.35% 95 2.09% /lezisca_pena.php
10 282 0.14% 87 1.91% /luxoflex_fix.php

Top 30 of 3144 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2117 1.03% 1320 0.78% 13.56 MB 0.86% 25 0.53% Slovenia
2 1595 0.77% 932 0.55% 9.06 MB 0.57% 17 0.36% Slovenia
3 1438 0.70% 387 0.23% 3.67 MB 0.23% 7 0.15% Slovenia
4 1330 0.65% 902 0.53% 7.53 MB 0.48% 16 0.34% Slovenia
5 1320 0.64% 1257 0.74% 9.53 MB 0.60% 9 0.19% Slovenia
6 993 0.48% 792 0.47% 5.98 MB 0.38% 56 1.19% Slovenia
7 946 0.46% 735 0.43% 8.74 MB 0.55% 19 0.40% Slovenia
8 868 0.42% 740 0.44% 5.82 MB 0.37% 12 0.25% Slovenia
9 848 0.41% 845 0.50% 6.78 MB 0.43% 15 0.32% Slovenia
10 816 0.40% 429 0.25% 4.58 MB 0.29% 12 0.25% Unknown
11 684 0.33% 684 0.40% 3.27 MB 0.21% 2 0.04% Slovenia
12 650 0.32% 650 0.38% 8.76 MB 0.55% 51 1.08% Slovenia
13 597 0.29% 171 0.10% 2.05 MB 0.13% 6 0.13% Slovenia
14 553 0.27% 395 0.23% 3.97 MB 0.25% 6 0.13% Slovenia
15 533 0.26% 516 0.30% 3.37 MB 0.21% 13 0.28% Slovenia
16 449 0.22% 436 0.26% 8.53 MB 0.54% 7 0.15% Slovenia
17 447 0.22% 101 0.06% 812.42 KB 0.05% 1 0.02% Slovenia
18 434 0.21% 109 0.06% 1.57 MB 0.10% 3 0.06% Slovenia
19 430 0.21% 78 0.05% 703.60 KB 0.04% 1 0.02% Slovenia
20 421 0.20% 195 0.11% 2.47 MB 0.16% 4 0.08% Slovenia
21 409 0.20% 398 0.23% 4.76 MB 0.30% 8 0.17% Slovenia
22 391 0.19% 149 0.09% 1.44 MB 0.09% 4 0.08% Slovenia
23 389 0.19% 389 0.23% 2.55 MB 0.16% 1 0.02% Slovenia
24 384 0.19% 92 0.05% 3.04 MB 0.19% 4 0.08% Slovenia
25 369 0.18% 211 0.12% 2.97 MB 0.19% 2 0.04% Slovenia
26 365 0.18% 365 0.22% 1.64 MB 0.10% 2 0.04% Slovenia
27 360 0.17% 275 0.16% 2.54 MB 0.16% 4 0.08% Slovenia
28 360 0.17% 312 0.18% 1.84 MB 0.12% 8 0.17% Unknown
29 358 0.17% 212 0.12% 3.55 MB 0.22% 142 3.02% United States
30 357 0.17% 330 0.19% 3.12 MB 0.20% 4 0.08% Slovenia
View All Sites

Top 10 of 3144 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 2117 1.03% 1320 0.78% 13.56 MB 0.86% 25 0.53% Slovenia
2 1320 0.64% 1257 0.74% 9.53 MB 0.60% 9 0.19% Slovenia
3 1595 0.77% 932 0.55% 9.06 MB 0.57% 17 0.36% Slovenia
4 650 0.32% 650 0.38% 8.76 MB 0.55% 51 1.08% Slovenia
5 946 0.46% 735 0.43% 8.74 MB 0.55% 19 0.40% Slovenia
6 449 0.22% 436 0.26% 8.53 MB 0.54% 7 0.15% Slovenia
7 1330 0.65% 902 0.53% 7.53 MB 0.48% 16 0.34% Slovenia
8 848 0.41% 845 0.50% 6.78 MB 0.43% 15 0.32% Slovenia
9 993 0.48% 792 0.47% 5.98 MB 0.38% 56 1.19% Slovenia
10 868 0.42% 740 0.44% 5.82 MB 0.37% 12 0.25% Slovenia

Top 30 of 158 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 11297 5.49% - (Direct Request)
2 2591 1.26%
3 729 0.35%
4 272 0.13%
5 213 0.10%
6 106 0.05%
7 76 0.04%
8 60 0.03%
9 40 0.02%
10 40 0.02%
11 39 0.02%
12 32 0.02%
13 32 0.02%
14 26 0.01%
15 21 0.01%
16 17 0.01%
17 12 0.01%
18 11 0.01%
19 10 0.00%
20 7 0.00%
21 7 0.00%
22 7 0.00%
23 6 0.00%
24 6 0.00%
25 6 0.00%
26 5 0.00%
27 5 0.00%
28 5 0.00%
29 4 0.00%
30 4 0.00%
View All Referrers

Top 20 of 282 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 150 15.26% dollar
2 106 10.78% vzmetnice
3 55 5.60% postelje
4 46 4.68% ležišča
5 30 3.05% posteljnina
6 27 2.75% postelja
7 20 2.03% dollar d.o.o.
8 20 2.03% vzglavniki
9 19 1.93% ležišče
10 17 1.73% jogi vzmetnice
11 13 1.32% vzglavnik
12 12 1.22% vzmetnice cenik
13 11 1.12% vzmetnica
14 9 0.92% latex ležišča
15 8 0.81% poliuretanska pena
16 8 0.81% spominska pena
17 7 0.71% jogi
18 7 0.71% ortopedski vzglavnik
19 7 0.71% posteljni vložki
20 6 0.61%
View All Search Strings

Top 15 of 58 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 79652 38.70% Mozilla/5.0
2 62770 30.49% MSIE 7.0
3 57074 27.73% MSIE 6.0
4 1285 0.62% MSIE 8.0
5 1001 0.49% Najdi.s
6 593 0.29% Opera/9.63
7 540 0.26% Yahoo! Slurp
8 313 0.15% Yahoo! Slurp/3.0
9 266 0.13% Googlebot/2.1
10 239 0.12% Opera/9.62
11 210 0.10% BabalooSpider/1.3 (BabalooSpider;;
12 196 0.10% Yanga WorldSearch Bot v1.1/beta (
13 121 0.06% MSIE 5.5
14 102 0.05% Charlotte/1.1
15 99 0.05% Java/1.6.0_04
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for February 2009

Top 30 of 30 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 167321 81.29% 139443 82.16% 1.24 GB 79.96% Slovenia
2 33197 16.13% 28931 17.05% 268.18 MB 16.93% Unresolved/Unknown
3 1473 0.72% 1095 0.65% 15.42 MB 0.97% United States
4 532 0.26% 456 0.27% 4.00 MB 0.25% Belgium
5 442 0.21% 369 0.22% 4.77 MB 0.30% Croatia (Hrvatska)
6 414 0.20% 202 0.12% 1.18 MB 0.07% Austria
7 288 0.14% 274 0.16% 1.63 MB 0.10% Yugoslavia
8 280 0.14% 243 0.14% 3.07 MB 0.19% Italy
9 237 0.12% 175 0.10% 1.92 MB 0.12% Sweden
10 226 0.11% 145 0.09% 1.73 MB 0.11% Norway
11 220 0.11% 175 0.10% 1.52 MB 0.10% Switzerland
12 202 0.10% 177 0.10% 1.10 MB 0.07% Argentina
13 199 0.10% 187 0.11% 3.57 MB 0.23% Germany
14 147 0.07% 138 0.08% 953.38 KB 0.06% France
15 110 0.05% 98 0.06% 1.20 MB 0.08% Netherlands
16 105 0.05% 101 0.06% 653.45 KB 0.04% Denmark
17 82 0.04% 80 0.05% 1.17 MB 0.07% Russian Federation
18 55 0.03% 55 0.03% 686.29 KB 0.04% Romania
19 51 0.02% 51 0.03% 343.67 KB 0.02% Macedonia
20 48 0.02% 46 0.03% 326.05 KB 0.02% Poland
21 48 0.02% 48 0.03% 286.83 KB 0.02% Turkey
22 41 0.02% 39 0.02% 207.62 KB 0.01% Israel
23 33 0.02% 32 0.02% 260.56 KB 0.02% Ukraine
24 29 0.01% 29 0.02% 172.09 KB 0.01% Czech Republic
25 20 0.01% 20 0.01% 265.81 KB 0.02% Great Britain (UK)
26 18 0.01% 8 0.00% 137.67 KB 0.01% China
27 18 0.01% 15 0.01% 2.27 MB 0.14% Japan
28 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 31.94 KB 0.00% Saudi Arabia
29 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 16.12 KB 0.00% Canada
30 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 364.29 KB 0.02% Nigeria

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)