Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: January 2013
Generated 01-Feb-2013 04:40 CET
GEO-106FREE 20090701 Build 1 Copyright (c) 2007 MaxMind LLC All Rights Reserved

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for January 2013
Total Hits 31154
Total Files 23845
Total Pages 1552
Total Visits 1222
Total KBytes 349.16 MB
Total Unique Sites 1487
Total Unique URLs 543
Total Unique Referrers 414
Total Unique User Agents 469
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 41 1219
Hits per Day 1004 2828
Files per Day 769 1503
Pages per Day 50 179
Visits per Day 39 161
KBytes per Day 11.26 MB 24.03 MB
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 6
Code 200 - OK 23845
Code 206 - Partial Content 661
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 14
Code 304 - Not Modified 603
Code 403 - Forbidden 2037
Code 404 - Not Found 3944
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 44

Daily usage for January 2013

Daily Statistics for January 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 724 2.32% 630 2.64% 22 1.42% 14 1.15% 62 4.17% 9.96 MB 2.85%
2 710 2.28% 614 2.57% 22 1.42% 20 1.64% 88 5.92% 7.18 MB 2.06%
3 867 2.78% 750 3.15% 32 2.06% 19 1.55% 81 5.45% 8.22 MB 2.36%
4 1072 3.44% 889 3.73% 27 1.74% 24 1.96% 69 4.64% 11.95 MB 3.42%
5 658 2.11% 539 2.26% 38 2.45% 31 2.54% 133 8.94% 9.73 MB 2.79%
6 594 1.91% 530 2.22% 43 2.77% 29 2.37% 83 5.58% 8.98 MB 2.57%
7 937 3.01% 718 3.01% 45 2.90% 24 1.96% 109 7.33% 13.59 MB 3.89%
8 1388 4.46% 1212 5.08% 38 2.45% 21 1.72% 98 6.59% 14.38 MB 4.12%
9 2828 9.08% 1245 5.22% 54 3.48% 29 2.37% 96 6.46% 14.18 MB 4.06%
10 917 2.94% 785 3.29% 28 1.80% 24 1.96% 112 7.53% 9.06 MB 2.59%
11 906 2.91% 722 3.03% 31 2.00% 21 1.72% 106 7.13% 9.53 MB 2.73%
12 669 2.15% 534 2.24% 29 1.87% 24 1.96% 96 6.46% 7.36 MB 2.11%
13 597 1.92% 460 1.93% 34 2.19% 22 1.80% 80 5.38% 5.66 MB 1.62%
14 1026 3.29% 748 3.14% 28 1.80% 22 1.80% 112 7.53% 19.77 MB 5.66%
15 574 1.84% 457 1.92% 22 1.42% 20 1.64% 99 6.66% 9.65 MB 2.76%
16 1021 3.28% 758 3.18% 26 1.68% 23 1.88% 88 5.92% 11.82 MB 3.38%
17 873 2.80% 704 2.95% 51 3.29% 31 2.54% 100 6.72% 9.76 MB 2.79%
18 788 2.53% 653 2.74% 31 2.00% 22 1.80% 91 6.12% 7.57 MB 2.17%
19 753 2.42% 594 2.49% 24 1.55% 19 1.55% 106 7.13% 11.98 MB 3.43%
20 793 2.55% 555 2.33% 16 1.03% 14 1.15% 106 7.13% 8.90 MB 2.55%
21 1002 3.22% 758 3.18% 30 1.93% 22 1.80% 95 6.39% 9.10 MB 2.61%
22 989 3.17% 793 3.33% 26 1.68% 22 1.80% 116 7.80% 7.94 MB 2.27%
23 1048 3.36% 842 3.53% 32 2.06% 24 1.96% 133 8.94% 16.35 MB 4.68%
24 1617 5.19% 1303 5.46% 56 3.61% 34 2.78% 94 6.32% 16.33 MB 4.68%
25 1061 3.41% 882 3.70% 43 2.77% 37 3.03% 108 7.26% 11.22 MB 3.21%
26 952 3.06% 738 3.09% 66 4.25% 48 3.93% 123 8.27% 11.99 MB 3.43%
27 500 1.60% 365 1.53% 68 4.38% 64 5.24% 112 7.53% 7.93 MB 2.27%
28 1008 3.24% 771 3.23% 106 6.83% 86 7.04% 170 11.43% 8.16 MB 2.34%
29 1157 3.71% 871 3.65% 142 9.15% 122 9.98% 154 10.36% 9.94 MB 2.85%
30 1886 6.05% 1503 6.30% 163 10.50% 149 12.19% 180 12.10% 16.95 MB 4.86%
31 1239 3.98% 922 3.87% 179 11.53% 161 13.18% 195 13.11% 24.03 MB 6.88%

Hourly usage for January 2013

Hourly Statistics for January 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 26 826 2.65% 22 691 2.90% 1 47 3.03% 394.75 KB 11.95 MB 3.42%
1 28 897 2.88% 23 725 3.04% 2 63 4.06% 312.65 KB 9.47 MB 2.71%
2 24 745 2.39% 16 517 2.17% 1 55 3.54% 219.93 KB 6.66 MB 1.91%
3 35 1104 3.54% 26 819 3.43% 1 61 3.93% 391.12 KB 11.84 MB 3.39%
4 16 512 1.64% 11 371 1.56% 1 50 3.22% 271.90 KB 8.23 MB 2.36%
5 22 686 2.20% 15 489 2.05% 2 68 4.38% 293.78 KB 8.89 MB 2.55%
6 21 655 2.10% 15 479 2.01% 1 58 3.74% 336.36 KB 10.18 MB 2.92%
7 32 1020 3.27% 25 799 3.35% 1 61 3.93% 486.91 KB 14.74 MB 4.22%
8 31 987 3.17% 25 801 3.36% 1 61 3.93% 523.35 KB 15.84 MB 4.54%
9 49 1525 4.90% 39 1232 5.17% 2 68 4.38% 567.92 KB 17.19 MB 4.92%
10 62 1933 6.20% 46 1440 6.04% 2 69 4.45% 617.58 KB 18.70 MB 5.35%
11 72 2253 7.23% 60 1874 7.86% 2 69 4.45% 768.48 KB 23.26 MB 6.66%
12 45 1425 4.57% 37 1147 4.81% 2 65 4.19% 514.51 KB 15.58 MB 4.46%
13 50 1556 4.99% 39 1226 5.14% 2 62 3.99% 607.30 KB 18.39 MB 5.27%
14 52 1627 5.22% 43 1348 5.65% 1 61 3.93% 680.17 KB 20.59 MB 5.90%
15 93 2884 9.26% 53 1664 6.98% 2 84 5.41% 781.91 KB 23.67 MB 6.78%
16 48 1500 4.81% 41 1271 5.33% 2 67 4.32% 481.31 KB 14.57 MB 4.17%
17 49 1544 4.96% 42 1323 5.55% 2 72 4.64% 599.40 KB 18.15 MB 5.20%
18 59 1849 5.94% 36 1130 4.74% 2 78 5.03% 582.61 KB 17.64 MB 5.05%
19 48 1499 4.81% 38 1197 5.02% 1 61 3.93% 421.32 KB 12.75 MB 3.65%
20 36 1126 3.61% 27 853 3.58% 2 64 4.12% 482.82 KB 14.62 MB 4.19%
21 35 1115 3.58% 29 928 3.89% 2 76 4.90% 492.44 KB 14.91 MB 4.27%
22 32 1017 3.26% 27 839 3.52% 2 66 4.25% 328.88 KB 9.96 MB 2.85%
23 28 869 2.79% 22 682 2.86% 2 66 4.25% 376.07 KB 11.38 MB 3.26%

Top 30 of 543 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1981 6.36% 20.21 MB 5.79% /si/papir.php
2 1710 5.49% 17.28 MB 4.95% /en/papir.php
3 1094 3.51% 9.47 MB 2.71% /en/oprema.php
4 952 3.06% 8.84 MB 2.53% /si/novice.php
5 688 2.21% 7.58 MB 2.17% /
6 583 1.87% 59.44 MB 17.02% /downloads/Warman+SP+SPR+Sump+Pump.pdf
7 575 1.85% 4.58 MB 1.31% /si/zaloznistvo.php
8 485 1.56% 1.54 MB 0.44% /css/chargonet.css
9 437 1.40% 971.10 KB 0.27% /jscript/funkcije.js
10 323 1.04% 2.93 MB 0.84% /si/oprema.php
11 309 0.99% 2.55 MB 0.73% /en/novice.php
12 294 0.94% 2.34 MB 0.67% /es/oprema.php
13 213 0.68% 2.13 MB 0.61% /si/iskalnik.php
14 208 0.67% 1.61 MB 0.46% /si/podjetje.php
15 200 0.64% 2.48 MB 0.71% /si/galerija.php
16 181 0.58% 1.56 MB 0.45% /si/kontakt.php
17 149 0.48% 1020.57 KB 0.29% /si/ekologija.php
18 144 0.46% 1000.39 KB 0.28% /si/rnp.php
19 129 0.41% 982.40 KB 0.27% /es/papir.php
20 114 0.37% 781.07 KB 0.22% /si/partnerji.php
21 108 0.35% 1.24 MB 0.36% /en/
22 105 0.34% 1.16 MB 0.33% /si/domov.php
23 87 0.28% 987.91 KB 0.28% /si/
24 82 0.26% 553.86 KB 0.15% /en/ecology.php
25 81 0.26% 754.88 KB 0.21% /en/galerija.php
26 78 0.25% 590.64 KB 0.17% /es/
27 74 0.24% 574.66 KB 0.16% /en/podjetje.php
28 57 0.18% 483.72 KB 0.14% /en/kontakt.php
29 49 0.16% 321.56 KB 0.09% /en/partnerji.php
30 48 0.15% 12.80 MB 3.67% /downloads/Warman_AH.pdf

Top 10 of 543 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 583 1.87% 59.44 MB 17.02% /downloads/Warman+SP+SPR+Sump+Pump.pdf
2 1981 6.36% 20.21 MB 5.79% /si/papir.php
3 1710 5.49% 17.28 MB 4.95% /en/papir.php
4 48 0.15% 12.80 MB 3.67% /downloads/Warman_AH.pdf
5 1094 3.51% 9.47 MB 2.71% /en/oprema.php
6 952 3.06% 8.84 MB 2.53% /si/novice.php
7 4 0.01% 8.51 MB 2.44% /downloads/chargonet_koledar2012_560x400_predogled.pdf
8 688 2.21% 7.58 MB 2.17% /
9 575 1.85% 4.58 MB 1.31% /si/zaloznistvo.php
10 323 1.04% 2.93 MB 0.84% /si/oprema.php

Top 5 of 5 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 688 2.21% 577 80.81% /
2 87 0.28% 48 6.72% /si/
3 78 0.25% 44 6.16% /es/
4 108 0.35% 42 5.88% /en/
5 4 0.01% 3 0.42% /downloads/

Top 7 of 7 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 688 2.21% 534 74.58% /
2 108 0.35% 70 9.78% /en/
3 87 0.28% 60 8.38% /si/
4 78 0.25% 44 6.15% /es/
5 4 0.01% 4 0.56% /downloads/
6 8 0.03% 2 0.28% /it/
7 8 0.03% 2 0.28% /yu/

Top 30 of 1487 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 1767 5.67% 355 1.49% 2.93 MB 0.84% 4 0.33% Spain
2 679 2.18% 677 2.84% 6.75 MB 1.93% 5 0.41% Sweden
3 655 2.10% 448 1.88% 6.27 MB 1.79% 28 2.29% United States
4 589 1.89% 586 2.46% 5.86 MB 1.68% 1 0.08% Netherlands
5 420 1.35% 352 1.48% 7.99 MB 2.29% 8 0.65% United States
6 417 1.34% 341 1.43% 10.51 MB 3.01% 7 0.57% United States
7 353 1.13% 309 1.30% 2.59 MB 0.74% 20 1.64% United States
8 328 1.05% 294 1.23% 5.88 MB 1.69% 8 0.65% Slovenia
9 328 1.05% 224 0.94% 1.95 MB 0.56% 3 0.25% Italy
10 295 0.95% 277 1.16% 2.69 MB 0.77% 2 0.16% Slovenia
11 259 0.83% 186 0.78% 3.91 MB 1.12% 36 2.95% Unresolved/Unknown
12 253 0.81% 202 0.85% 3.07 MB 0.88% 7 0.57% United States
13 239 0.77% 163 0.68% 1.74 MB 0.50% 71 5.81% United States
14 231 0.74% 196 0.82% 3.93 MB 1.13% 5 0.41% United States
15 228 0.73% 222 0.93% 1.98 MB 0.57% 3 0.25% Unresolved/Unknown
16 212 0.68% 87 0.36% 569.64 KB 0.16% 1 0.08% Spain
17 212 0.68% 195 0.82% 2.19 MB 0.63% 6 0.49% Slovenia
18 203 0.65% 201 0.84% 688.38 KB 0.19% 0 0.00% Slovenia
19 201 0.65% 93 0.39% 773.58 KB 0.22% 0 0.00% Unresolved/Unknown
20 194 0.62% 126 0.53% 1.71 MB 0.49% 0 0.00% Unresolved/Unknown
21 190 0.61% 152 0.64% 1.64 MB 0.47% 5 0.41% United States
22 186 0.60% 116 0.49% 859.96 KB 0.24% 1 0.08% Slovenia
23 183 0.59% 156 0.65% 1.59 MB 0.45% 35 2.86% United States
24 183 0.59% 139 0.58% 1008.99 KB 0.28% 2 0.16% United States
25 180 0.58% 152 0.64% 1.47 MB 0.42% 9 0.74% Russian Federation
26 173 0.56% 86 0.36% 345.87 KB 0.10% 0 0.00% Netherlands
27 172 0.55% 172 0.72% 1.75 MB 0.50% 1 0.08% Sweden
28 166 0.53% 131 0.55% 1.40 MB 0.40% 0 0.00% Slovenia
29 162 0.52% 139 0.58% 1.59 MB 0.46% 1 0.08% Slovenia
30 159 0.51% 88 0.37% 681.53 KB 0.19% 1 0.08% Indonesia

Top 10 of 1487 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname Country
1 417 1.34% 341 1.43% 10.51 MB 3.01% 7 0.57% United States
2 420 1.35% 352 1.48% 7.99 MB 2.29% 8 0.65% United States
3 679 2.18% 677 2.84% 6.75 MB 1.93% 5 0.41% Sweden
4 655 2.10% 448 1.88% 6.27 MB 1.79% 28 2.29% United States
5 328 1.05% 294 1.23% 5.88 MB 1.69% 8 0.65% Slovenia
6 589 1.89% 586 2.46% 5.86 MB 1.68% 1 0.08% Netherlands
7 68 0.22% 54 0.23% 5.06 MB 1.45% 5 0.41% United States
8 109 0.35% 96 0.40% 4.95 MB 1.42% 3 0.25% United States
9 231 0.74% 196 0.82% 3.93 MB 1.13% 5 0.41% United States
10 259 0.83% 186 0.78% 3.91 MB 1.12% 36 2.95% Unresolved/Unknown

Top 30 of 414 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 15328 49.20% - (Direct Request)
2 2545 8.17%
3 1904 6.11%
4 668 2.14%
5 604 1.94%
6 575 1.85%
7 518 1.66%
8 460 1.48%
9 354 1.14%
10 271 0.87%
11 205 0.66%
12 164 0.53%
13 149 0.48%
14 144 0.46%
15 137 0.44%
16 118 0.38%
17 107 0.34%
18 91 0.29%
19 88 0.28%
20 80 0.26%
21 67 0.22%
22 64 0.21%
23 56 0.18%
24 53 0.17%
25 48 0.15%
26 40 0.13%
27 37 0.12%
28 35 0.11%
29 32 0.10%
30 32 0.10%

Top 4 of 4 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 10 66.67% chargonet
2 3 20.00% chargo net
3 1 6.67%
4 1 6.67%

Top 15 of 469 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2757 8.85% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
2 2022 6.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
3 1979 6.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.101 Safari/537.11
4 1838 5.90% msnbot-media/1.1 (+
5 877 2.82% psbot/0.1 (+
6 868 2.79% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SISTRIX Crawler;
7 847 2.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.97 Safari/537.11
8 827 2.65% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)
9 721 2.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
10 685 2.20% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
11 623 2.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/24.0.1312.52 Safari/537.17
12 589 1.89% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; WBSearchBot/1.1; +
13 470 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
14 457 1.47% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
15 436 1.40% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +

Usage by Country for January 2013

Top 30 of 53 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 8262 26.52% 6147 25.78% 146.41 MB 41.93% United States
2 6888 22.11% 6387 26.79% 52.79 MB 15.12% Slovenia
3 5540 17.78% 4813 20.18% 50.33 MB 14.41% Unresolved/Unknown
4 2097 6.73% 539 2.26% 3.87 MB 1.11% Spain
5 950 3.05% 835 3.50% 8.48 MB 2.43% Netherlands
6 945 3.03% 324 1.36% 6.44 MB 1.84% Asia/Pacific Region
7 909 2.92% 880 3.69% 8.88 MB 2.54% Sweden
8 816 2.62% 592 2.48% 4.88 MB 1.40% Italy
9 485 1.56% 380 1.59% 3.28 MB 0.94% China
10 406 1.30% 386 1.62% 3.26 MB 0.93% Serbia
11 378 1.21% 373 1.56% 3.23 MB 0.92% Ukraine
12 345 1.11% 273 1.14% 7.58 MB 2.17% Canada
13 328 1.05% 277 1.16% 3.68 MB 1.05% Russian Federation
14 281 0.90% 243 1.02% 7.09 MB 2.03% France
15 220 0.71% 158 0.66% 2.58 MB 0.74% Peru
16 203 0.65% 191 0.80% 2.17 MB 0.62% Chile
17 201 0.65% 146 0.61% 1.13 MB 0.32% Croatia
18 163 0.52% 147 0.62% 9.33 MB 2.67% Australia
19 162 0.52% 155 0.65% 1.58 MB 0.45% United Kingdom
20 161 0.52% 90 0.38% 719.91 KB 0.20% Indonesia
21 149 0.48% 145 0.61% 1.55 MB 0.44% Mexico
22 144 0.46% 94 0.39% 1.13 MB 0.32% Hungary
23 125 0.40% 119 0.50% 2.45 MB 0.70% Germany
24 112 0.36% 72 0.30% 539.14 KB 0.15% Finland
25 108 0.35% 78 0.33% 632.43 KB 0.18% Pakistan
26 75 0.24% 68 0.29% 2.37 MB 0.68% India
27 73 0.23% 61 0.26% 679.64 KB 0.19% Czech Republic
28 70 0.22% 69 0.29% 705.09 KB 0.20% Israel
29 68 0.22% 18 0.08% 898.36 KB 0.25% Turkey
30 53 0.17% 51 0.21% 2.26 MB 0.65% South Africa

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01 (with Geolizer patch)