
Usage Statistics for webmail.domovanje.com

Summary Period: April 2003
Generated 15-Apr-2003 17:29 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for April 2003
Total Hits 29226
Total Files 18779
Total Pages 16619
Total Visits 1686
Total KBytes 589248
Total Unique Sites 859
Total Unique URLs 42
Total Unique Referrers 28
Total Unique User Agents 37
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 81 349
Hits per Day 1948 2768
Files per Day 1251 1796
Pages per Day 1107 1593
Visits per Day 112 160
KBytes per Day 39283 122273
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 18779
Code 206 - Partial Content 2
Code 302 - Found 2402
Code 304 - Not Modified 7931
Code 403 - Forbidden 22
Code 404 - Not Found 90

Daily usage for April 2003

Daily Statistics for April 2003
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2145 7.34% 1283 6.83% 1103 6.64% 119 7.06% 83 9.66% 23520 3.99%
2 2178 7.45% 1428 7.60% 1184 7.12% 126 7.47% 102 11.87% 26756 4.54%
3 1923 6.58% 1288 6.86% 1172 7.05% 109 6.47% 73 8.50% 36876 6.26%
4 2273 7.78% 1327 7.07% 1176 7.08% 128 7.59% 82 9.55% 24046 4.08%
5 1113 3.81% 688 3.66% 635 3.82% 62 3.68% 49 5.70% 20452 3.47%
6 948 3.24% 611 3.25% 540 3.25% 64 3.80% 52 6.05% 17758 3.01%
7 2768 9.47% 1796 9.56% 1577 9.49% 147 8.72% 105 12.22% 33172 5.63%
8 2668 9.13% 1712 9.12% 1593 9.59% 141 8.36% 110 12.81% 56220 9.54%
9 2561 8.76% 1667 8.88% 1500 9.03% 160 9.49% 96 11.18% 50064 8.50%
10 2438 8.34% 1527 8.13% 1405 8.45% 142 8.42% 99 11.53% 57064 9.68%
11 2079 7.11% 1442 7.68% 1260 7.58% 140 8.30% 100 11.64% 37099 6.30%
12 1022 3.50% 664 3.54% 593 3.57% 62 3.68% 55 6.40% 25541 4.33%
13 744 2.55% 463 2.47% 410 2.47% 59 3.50% 57 6.64% 9117 1.55%
14 2534 8.67% 1596 8.50% 1374 8.27% 130 7.71% 91 10.59% 49289 8.36%
15 1832 6.27% 1287 6.85% 1097 6.60% 100 5.93% 65 7.57% 122273 20.75%

Hourly usage for April 2003

Hourly Statistics for April 2003
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 18 278 0.95% 11 166 0.88% 9 148 0.89% 130 1955 0.33%
1 8 126 0.43% 6 102 0.54% 4 66 0.40% 34 510 0.09%
2 8 124 0.42% 5 86 0.46% 6 96 0.58% 332 4981 0.85%
3 0 7 0.02% 0 4 0.02% 0 5 0.03% 2 29 0.00%
4 2 37 0.13% 2 30 0.16% 2 31 0.19% 17 251 0.04%
5 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
6 5 79 0.27% 3 46 0.24% 2 30 0.18% 47 700 0.12%
7 38 582 1.99% 24 374 1.99% 18 280 1.68% 357 5352 0.91%
8 132 1991 6.81% 83 1246 6.64% 76 1141 6.87% 2809 42141 7.15%
9 171 2574 8.81% 109 1647 8.77% 102 1537 9.25% 3269 49029 8.32%
10 154 2324 7.95% 98 1483 7.90% 90 1363 8.20% 2129 31934 5.42%
11 164 2464 8.43% 108 1631 8.69% 96 1446 8.70% 3514 52707 8.94%
12 178 2684 9.18% 112 1688 8.99% 102 1543 9.28% 3556 53341 9.05%
13 173 2603 8.91% 113 1706 9.08% 104 1568 9.43% 4899 73482 12.47%
14 164 2462 8.42% 107 1615 8.60% 95 1434 8.63% 2000 30003 5.09%
15 139 2093 7.16% 94 1418 7.55% 81 1220 7.34% 3169 47530 8.07%
16 121 1823 6.24% 77 1159 6.17% 68 1024 6.16% 3803 57042 9.68%
17 90 1362 4.66% 56 846 4.51% 49 741 4.46% 3203 48045 8.15%
18 78 1178 4.03% 51 769 4.09% 44 664 4.00% 921 13815 2.34%
19 70 1058 3.62% 47 711 3.79% 36 540 3.25% 1106 16596 2.82%
20 70 1064 3.64% 44 673 3.58% 35 538 3.24% 871 13070 2.22%
21 60 904 3.09% 36 549 2.92% 29 448 2.70% 2315 34726 5.89%
22 38 576 1.97% 26 393 2.09% 22 330 1.99% 419 6280 1.07%
23 55 833 2.85% 29 437 2.33% 28 426 2.56% 382 5730 0.97%

Top 12 of 42 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8499 29.08% 178072 30.22% /action.php
2 3697 12.65% 18669 3.17% /
3 2820 9.65% 918 0.16% /themes/Domovanje.com/style.css
4 673 2.30% 4312 0.73% /send.php
5 610 2.09% 330019 56.01% /download.php
6 565 1.93% 51642 8.76% /get_img.php
7 121 0.41% 371 0.06% /addressbook.php
8 108 0.37% 49 0.01% /themes/Moskva/style.css
9 14 0.05% 11 0.00% /themes/Modra/style.css
10 10 0.03% 9 0.00% /themes/Navadna/style.css
11 8 0.03% 1 0.00% /logout.php
12 1 0.00% 0 0.00% /delete.php

Top 10 of 42 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 610 2.09% 330019 56.01% /download.php
2 8499 29.08% 178072 30.22% /action.php
3 565 1.93% 51642 8.76% /get_img.php
4 3697 12.65% 18669 3.17% /
5 673 2.30% 4312 0.73% /send.php
6 2820 9.65% 918 0.16% /themes/Domovanje.com/style.css
7 121 0.41% 371 0.06% /addressbook.php
8 108 0.37% 49 0.01% /themes/Moskva/style.css
9 14 0.05% 11 0.00% /themes/Modra/style.css
10 10 0.03% 9 0.00% /themes/Navadna/style.css

Top 5 of 5 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3697 12.65% 1474 87.74% /
2 8499 29.08% 169 10.06% /action.php
3 673 2.30% 17 1.01% /send.php
4 8 0.03% 14 0.83% /logout.php
5 610 2.09% 6 0.36% /download.php

Top 7 of 7 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3697 12.65% 880 52.54% /
2 8499 29.08% 638 38.09% /action.php
3 610 2.09% 64 3.82% /download.php
4 673 2.30% 57 3.40% /send.php
5 565 1.93% 20 1.19% /get_img.php
6 8 0.03% 10 0.60% /logout.php
7 121 0.41% 6 0.36% /addressbook.php

Top 30 of 859 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1702 5.82% 1182 6.29% 46188 7.84% 18 1.07% bsn-77-152-127.dsl.siol.net
2 1168 4.00% 768 4.09% 31931 5.42% 40 2.37% bsn-77-147-174.dsl.siol.net
3 780 2.67% 513 2.73% 7573 1.29% 45 2.67%
4 696 2.38% 465 2.48% 18168 3.08% 11 0.65% politus.fdv.uni-lj.si
5 593 2.03% 438 2.33% 4085 0.69% 37 2.19%
6 524 1.79% 359 1.91% 2465 0.42% 63 3.74% cable1-4-20.cust.kks.net
7 458 1.57% 229 1.22% 3159 0.54% 24 1.42%
8 432 1.48% 360 1.92% 3301 0.56% 43 2.55%
9 395 1.35% 271 1.44% 3687 0.63% 28 1.66% bsn-250-62-126.dsl.siol.net
10 366 1.25% 254 1.35% 11376 1.93% 12 0.71% cable1-9-14.cust.kks.net
11 341 1.17% 193 1.03% 4220 0.72% 10 0.59%
12 340 1.16% 186 0.99% 17023 2.89% 12 0.71%
13 321 1.10% 235 1.25% 3383 0.57% 13 0.77% bsn-77-157-48.dsl.siol.net
14 312 1.07% 185 0.99% 6583 1.12% 14 0.83% external-7.hermes.si
15 274 0.94% 101 0.54% 21305 3.62% 6 0.36%
16 235 0.80% 140 0.75% 6734 1.14% 4 0.24% odkc112.fdv.uni-lj.si
17 227 0.78% 134 0.71% 7813 1.33% 12 0.71% bsn-77-157-52.dsl.siol.net
18 211 0.72% 120 0.64% 4511 0.77% 4 0.24%
19 193 0.66% 111 0.59% 6477 1.10% 3 0.18% pc16.fdv.uni-lj.si
20 191 0.65% 109 0.58% 5386 0.91% 15 0.89%
21 186 0.64% 131 0.70% 3739 0.63% 4 0.24%
22 185 0.63% 77 0.41% 1256 0.21% 10 0.59%
23 161 0.55% 64 0.34% 1269 0.22% 4 0.24% um-sd02-502-504.uni-mb.si
24 158 0.54% 38 0.20% 696 0.12% 1 0.06%
25 155 0.53% 50 0.27% 351 0.06% 2 0.12% bsn-77-158-13.dsl.siol.net
26 151 0.52% 130 0.69% 578 0.10% 12 0.71% turboslav.mobitel.si
27 146 0.50% 94 0.50% 2546 0.43% 11 0.65% bsn-77-232-219.dsl.siol.net
28 145 0.50% 121 0.64% 1627 0.28% 7 0.42%
29 144 0.49% 43 0.23% 268 0.05% 6 0.36% fwimp.alcad.si
30 139 0.48% 96 0.51% 777 0.13% 7 0.42%
View All Sites

Top 10 of 859 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1702 5.82% 1182 6.29% 46188 7.84% 18 1.07% bsn-77-152-127.dsl.siol.net
2 1168 4.00% 768 4.09% 31931 5.42% 40 2.37% bsn-77-147-174.dsl.siol.net
3 33 0.11% 25 0.13% 31175 5.29% 3 0.18% ad13-m175.net.hinet.hr
4 274 0.94% 101 0.54% 21305 3.62% 6 0.36%
5 52 0.18% 41 0.22% 20852 3.54% 1 0.06% bsn-77-253-125.dsl.siol.net
6 46 0.16% 30 0.16% 20377 3.46% 2 0.12% ad10-m53.net.hinet.hr
7 696 2.38% 465 2.48% 18168 3.08% 11 0.65% politus.fdv.uni-lj.si
8 340 1.16% 186 0.99% 17023 2.89% 12 0.71%
9 49 0.17% 25 0.13% 16806 2.85% 1 0.06% vo35-71.dial-up.volja.net
10 109 0.37% 79 0.42% 14406 2.44% 1 0.06% vo5-91.dial-up.volja.net

Top 19 of 28 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 2689 9.20% - (Direct Request)
2 242 0.83% http://www.domovanje.com/zgoraj.html
3 93 0.32% http://www.domovanje.com/novice.html
4 41 0.14% http://domovanje.com/zgoraj.html
5 31 0.11% http://www.unik-art.net/posta.htm
6 11 0.04% http://mail.zahod.com/
7 11 0.04% http://www.domovanje.com/webmail.html
8 9 0.03%
9 5 0.02% http://www.domovanje.net/zgoraj.html
10 4 0.01% http://unik-art.net/posta.htm
11 4 0.01% http://www.najdi.si/search.jsp
12 3 0.01% http://v-vision.net/v/
13 2 0.01% http://www.v-vision.net/v/
14 1 0.00% bookmarks
15 1 0.00% http://ns1.domovanje.com/webmail.html
16 1 0.00% http://www.domovanje.net/webmail.html
17 1 0.00% http://www.memefest.org:2082/tmp/memefest/webalizer/usage_200304.html
18 1 0.00% http://www.netcraft.com/survey/
19 1 0.00% http://www.unik-art.net/posta

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 3 75.00% webmail.domovanjecom
2 1 25.00% webmail.domovanje.com

Top 15 of 37 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 15438 52.82% MSIE 6.0
2 6415 21.95% MSIE 5.5
3 2831 9.69% MSIE 5.0
4 1848 6.32% MSIE 5.01
5 1211 4.14% Mozilla/5.0
6 930 3.18% MSIE 4.01
7 235 0.80% MSIE 5.16
8 64 0.22% Mozilla/4.7
9 51 0.17% Opera/6.01
10 30 0.10% Mozilla/4.77
11 23 0.08% grub-client-1.2
12 20 0.07% MSIE 3.02
13 14 0.05% MS FrontPage 4.0
14 14 0.05% MSFrontPage/4.0
15 14 0.05% MSIE 4.0
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for April 2003

Top 15 of 15 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 13530 46.29% 8780 46.75% 298192 50.61% Network
2 8348 28.56% 5255 27.98% 126802 21.52% Unresolved/Unknown
3 6517 22.30% 4228 22.51% 94465 16.03% Slovenia
4 290 0.99% 104 0.55% 3872 0.66% Romania
5 260 0.89% 211 1.12% 7809 1.33% US Commercial
6 153 0.52% 112 0.60% 56999 9.67% Croatia (Hrvatska)
7 32 0.11% 16 0.09% 245 0.04% Switzerland
8 22 0.08% 15 0.08% 78 0.01% France
9 22 0.08% 13 0.07% 59 0.01% Netherlands
10 19 0.07% 15 0.08% 562 0.10% Poland
11 13 0.04% 12 0.06% 92 0.02% Hungary
12 10 0.03% 10 0.05% 30 0.01% Japan
13 7 0.02% 7 0.04% 27 0.00% United Kingdom
14 2 0.01% 2 0.01% 10 0.00% Finland
15 1 0.00% 1 0.01% 5 0.00% Denmark

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01