
Usage Statistics for webmail.domovanje.com

Summary Period: March 2003
Generated 15-Apr-2003 17:29 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2003
Total Hits 31013
Total Files 19342
Total Pages 17234
Total Visits 2261
Total KBytes 459749
Total Unique Sites 1072
Total Unique URLs 34
Total Unique Referrers 102
Total Unique User Agents 27
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 41 350
Hits per Day 1000 2058
Files per Day 623 1395
Pages per Day 555 1288
Visits per Day 72 120
KBytes per Day 14831 43982
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 1
Code 200 - OK 19342
Code 206 - Partial Content 37
Code 302 - Found 2752
Code 304 - Not Modified 8483
Code 403 - Forbidden 246
Code 404 - Not Found 122
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 30

Daily usage for March 2003

Daily Statistics for March 2003
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 676 2.18% 429 2.22% 361 2.09% 57 2.52% 51 4.76% 6437 1.40%
2 746 2.41% 505 2.61% 421 2.44% 50 2.21% 40 3.73% 8303 1.81%
3 1505 4.85% 1000 5.17% 866 5.02% 114 5.04% 73 6.81% 23941 5.21%
4 1720 5.55% 1081 5.59% 946 5.49% 106 4.69% 83 7.74% 17071 3.71%
5 1079 3.48% 631 3.26% 563 3.27% 77 3.41% 52 4.85% 13698 2.98%
6 1432 4.62% 912 4.72% 833 4.83% 96 4.25% 69 6.44% 18991 4.13%
7 1039 3.35% 631 3.26% 548 3.18% 77 3.41% 57 5.32% 27113 5.90%
8 750 2.42% 449 2.32% 391 2.27% 50 2.21% 41 3.82% 12484 2.72%
9 739 2.38% 468 2.42% 379 2.20% 60 2.65% 48 4.48% 9144 1.99%
10 1688 5.44% 1107 5.72% 916 5.32% 110 4.87% 87 8.12% 35660 7.76%
11 1698 5.48% 1049 5.42% 898 5.21% 109 4.82% 79 7.37% 43982 9.57%
12 1931 6.23% 1259 6.51% 1112 6.45% 113 5.00% 80 7.46% 33794 7.35%
13 1953 6.30% 1361 7.04% 1131 6.56% 119 5.26% 81 7.56% 26447 5.75%
14 1937 6.25% 1395 7.21% 1288 7.47% 99 4.38% 74 6.90% 18723 4.07%
15 674 2.17% 399 2.06% 325 1.89% 54 2.39% 53 4.94% 6125 1.33%
16 551 1.78% 357 1.85% 279 1.62% 46 2.03% 41 3.82% 3229 0.70%
17 1704 5.49% 1076 5.56% 967 5.61% 113 5.00% 83 7.74% 16821 3.66%
18 2058 6.64% 1159 5.99% 1041 6.04% 112 4.95% 73 6.81% 21165 4.60%
19 1481 4.78% 880 4.55% 787 4.57% 101 4.47% 73 6.81% 35772 7.78%
20 1592 5.13% 964 4.98% 853 4.95% 112 4.95% 78 7.28% 22365 4.86%
21 1659 5.35% 1055 5.45% 936 5.43% 120 5.31% 78 7.28% 23355 5.08%
22 508 1.64% 301 1.56% 263 1.53% 47 2.08% 42 3.92% 6921 1.51%
23 756 2.44% 399 2.06% 411 2.38% 55 2.43% 50 4.66% 17868 3.89%
24 690 2.22% 379 1.96% 385 2.23% 54 2.39% 42 3.92% 9322 2.03%
25 37 0.12% 0 0.00% 37 0.21% 32 1.42% 22 2.05% 11 0.00%
26 42 0.14% 0 0.00% 42 0.24% 37 1.64% 22 2.05% 12 0.00%
27 40 0.13% 0 0.00% 40 0.23% 33 1.46% 24 2.24% 11 0.00%
28 44 0.14% 0 0.00% 44 0.26% 35 1.55% 26 2.43% 13 0.00%
29 13 0.04% 0 0.00% 13 0.08% 11 0.49% 10 0.93% 4 0.00%
30 20 0.06% 0 0.00% 20 0.12% 15 0.66% 12 1.12% 6 0.00%
31 251 0.81% 96 0.50% 138 0.80% 49 2.17% 40 3.73% 961 0.21%

Hourly usage for March 2003

Hourly Statistics for March 2003
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 13 430 1.39% 8 256 1.32% 7 239 1.39% 115 3563 0.77%
1 5 181 0.58% 3 101 0.52% 3 98 0.57% 459 14244 3.10%
2 6 189 0.61% 3 122 0.63% 3 117 0.68% 176 5445 1.18%
3 1 42 0.14% 0 18 0.09% 0 23 0.13% 12 370 0.08%
4 1 36 0.12% 0 29 0.15% 0 27 0.16% 153 4736 1.03%
5 0 24 0.08% 0 14 0.07% 0 14 0.08% 149 4633 1.01%
6 2 73 0.24% 1 57 0.29% 1 36 0.21% 12 369 0.08%
7 16 509 1.64% 10 323 1.67% 8 249 1.44% 218 6762 1.47%
8 48 1500 4.84% 27 850 4.39% 25 790 4.58% 497 15398 3.35%
9 92 2870 9.25% 55 1729 8.94% 55 1723 10.00% 1127 34924 7.60%
10 85 2651 8.55% 54 1683 8.70% 47 1473 8.55% 951 29469 6.41%
11 87 2726 8.79% 55 1712 8.85% 47 1464 8.49% 1542 47801 10.40%
12 84 2610 8.42% 55 1715 8.87% 49 1538 8.92% 1726 53501 11.64%
13 88 2740 8.84% 53 1670 8.63% 50 1554 9.02% 1131 35074 7.63%
14 80 2507 8.08% 50 1559 8.06% 48 1497 8.69% 821 25466 5.54%
15 78 2441 7.87% 49 1530 7.91% 46 1440 8.36% 1278 39608 8.62%
16 57 1786 5.76% 36 1133 5.86% 30 958 5.56% 946 29330 6.38%
17 49 1527 4.92% 32 1008 5.21% 28 874 5.07% 731 22663 4.93%
18 34 1080 3.48% 22 686 3.55% 17 557 3.23% 497 15413 3.35%
19 46 1426 4.60% 28 887 4.59% 23 723 4.20% 659 20434 4.44%
20 36 1142 3.68% 22 706 3.65% 17 555 3.22% 679 21045 4.58%
21 28 876 2.82% 18 569 2.94% 15 475 2.76% 365 11308 2.46%
22 24 774 2.50% 15 481 2.49% 12 400 2.32% 337 10434 2.27%
23 28 873 2.81% 16 504 2.61% 13 410 2.38% 250 7761 1.69%

Top 11 of 34 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8402 27.09% 167408 36.41% /action.php
2 3565 11.50% 16707 3.63% /
3 3092 9.97% 948 0.21% /themes/domovanje/style.css
4 972 3.13% 6492 1.41% /send.php
5 595 1.92% 216991 47.20% /download.php
6 440 1.42% 34876 7.59% /get_img.php
7 289 0.93% 991 0.22% /addressbook.php
8 55 0.18% 74 0.02% /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe
9 37 0.12% 8 0.00% /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc
10 19 0.06% 5 0.00% /themes/Domovanje.com/style.css
11 15 0.05% 0 0.00% /themes/Moskva/style.css

Top 10 of 34 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 595 1.92% 216991 47.20% /download.php
2 8402 27.09% 167408 36.41% /action.php
3 440 1.42% 34876 7.59% /get_img.php
4 3565 11.50% 16707 3.63% /
5 972 3.13% 6492 1.41% /send.php
6 289 0.93% 991 0.22% /addressbook.php
7 3092 9.97% 948 0.21% /themes/domovanje/style.css
8 55 0.18% 74 0.02% /_vti_bin/_vti_aut/author.exe
9 37 0.12% 8 0.00% /_vti_bin/shtml.exe/_vti_rpc
10 19 0.06% 5 0.00% /themes/Domovanje.com/style.css

Top 5 of 5 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3565 11.50% 1930 86.28% /
2 8402 27.09% 270 12.07% /action.php
3 972 3.13% 24 1.07% /send.php
4 595 1.92% 12 0.54% /download.php
5 289 0.93% 1 0.04% /addressbook.php

Top 6 of 6 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3565 11.50% 1108 49.69% /
2 8402 27.09% 893 40.04% /action.php
3 595 1.92% 103 4.62% /download.php
4 972 3.13% 94 4.22% /send.php
5 440 1.42% 20 0.90% /get_img.php
6 289 0.93% 12 0.54% /addressbook.php

Top 30 of 1072 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1843 5.94% 1256 6.49% 30464 6.63% 85 3.76% politus.fdv.uni-lj.si
2 1769 5.70% 1407 7.27% 44045 9.58% 56 2.48% bsn-77-152-127.dsl.siol.net
3 971 3.13% 411 2.12% 5240 1.14% 63 2.79%
4 796 2.57% 466 2.41% 10683 2.32% 24 1.06% cable1-9-14.cust.kks.net
5 761 2.45% 524 2.71% 3964 0.86% 87 3.85% cable1-4-20.cust.kks.net
6 739 2.38% 632 3.27% 4601 1.00% 62 2.74%
7 499 1.61% 213 1.10% 2698 0.59% 23 1.02% bsn-95-213-144.dsl.siol.net
8 468 1.51% 260 1.34% 5104 1.11% 33 1.46% external-7.hermes.si
9 445 1.43% 251 1.30% 27133 5.90% 35 1.55% cable187-82.ljk.voljatel.net
10 434 1.40% 264 1.36% 2259 0.49% 22 0.97% bsn-77-157-48.dsl.siol.net
11 430 1.39% 278 1.44% 2507 0.55% 16 0.71% bsn-77-177-133.dsl.siol.net
12 367 1.18% 224 1.16% 5780 1.26% 13 0.57%
13 362 1.17% 293 1.51% 6405 1.39% 2 0.09% pc21.fdv.uni-lj.si
14 348 1.12% 178 0.92% 1049 0.23% 35 1.55%
15 304 0.98% 106 0.55% 3156 0.69% 17 0.75% um-sd02-502-504.uni-mb.si
16 290 0.94% 198 1.02% 9722 2.11% 4 0.18% pc17.fdv.uni-lj.si
17 276 0.89% 160 0.83% 2944 0.64% 17 0.75% bsn-77-157-52.dsl.siol.net
18 243 0.78% 144 0.74% 897 0.20% 11 0.49% bsn-95-216-7.dsl.siol.net
19 208 0.67% 139 0.72% 1625 0.35% 11 0.49% bsn-77-147-174.dsl.siol.net
20 201 0.65% 132 0.68% 2000 0.43% 15 0.66% bsn-250-62-91.dsl.siol.net
21 176 0.57% 96 0.50% 5040 1.10% 10 0.44% dpgp13.uni-mb.si
22 170 0.55% 86 0.44% 7293 1.59% 7 0.31%
23 166 0.54% 140 0.72% 1143 0.25% 2 0.09% da0024.ppp.uni-mb.si
24 153 0.49% 106 0.55% 711 0.15% 9 0.40% infos.wl.amis.net
25 137 0.44% 89 0.46% 2711 0.59% 3 0.13% tm.
26 136 0.44% 85 0.44% 2286 0.50% 5 0.22% odkc107.fdv.uni-lj.si
27 133 0.43% 86 0.44% 1213 0.26% 9 0.40%
28 133 0.43% 65 0.34% 458 0.10% 15 0.66% bsn-250-62-99.dsl.siol.net
29 123 0.40% 91 0.47% 453 0.10% 10 0.44% bsn-250-62-37.dsl.siol.net
30 123 0.40% 89 0.46% 759 0.17% 8 0.35% bsn-77-150-162.dsl.siol.net
View All Sites

Top 10 of 1072 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 1769 5.70% 1407 7.27% 44045 9.58% 56 2.48% bsn-77-152-127.dsl.siol.net
2 71 0.23% 53 0.27% 40027 8.71% 8 0.35%
3 1843 5.94% 1256 6.49% 30464 6.63% 85 3.76% politus.fdv.uni-lj.si
4 445 1.43% 251 1.30% 27133 5.90% 35 1.55% cable187-82.ljk.voljatel.net
5 100 0.32% 46 0.24% 12836 2.79% 1 0.04% bsn-77-9-208.dsl.siol.net
6 796 2.57% 466 2.41% 10683 2.32% 24 1.06% cable1-9-14.cust.kks.net
7 290 0.94% 198 1.02% 9722 2.11% 4 0.18% pc17.fdv.uni-lj.si
8 21 0.07% 19 0.10% 7655 1.66% 2 0.09% bsn-77-153-238.dsl.siol.net
9 170 0.55% 86 0.44% 7293 1.59% 7 0.31%
10 362 1.17% 293 1.51% 6405 1.39% 2 0.09% pc21.fdv.uni-lj.si

Top 30 of 102 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 3695 11.91% http://mail.iapss.org/action.php
2 3572 11.52% - (Direct Request)
3 1325 4.27% http://mail.rsklan.com/action.php
4 1274 4.11% http://webmail.rsklan.com/action.php
5 488 1.57% http://mail.iapss.org/send.php
6 486 1.57% http://mail.iapss.org/
7 469 1.51% http://mail.domovanje.com/action.php
8 305 0.98% http://mail.iapss.org
9 290 0.94% http://mail.zahod.com/action.php
10 265 0.85% http://webmail.rsklan.com/
11 199 0.64% http://mail.rsklan.com/
12 193 0.62% http://www.domovanje.com/zgoraj.html
13 157 0.51% http://mail.iapss.org/index.php
14 147 0.47% http://mail.irp.si/action.php
15 125 0.40% http://mail.domovanje.com/
16 90 0.29% http://mail.adam.si/action.php
17 85 0.27% http://www.domovanje.com/novice.html
18 70 0.23% http://mail.zahod.com/
19 59 0.19% http://mail.cargotrans.net/action.php
20 58 0.19% http://mail.escape-theband.com/action.php
21 57 0.18% http://mail.maximum-slo.com/action.php
22 55 0.18% http://mail.zahod.com/index.php
23 51 0.16% http://mail.domovanje.com
24 45 0.15% http://mail.irp.si/send.php
25 42 0.14% http://mail.escape-theband.com/
26 41 0.13% http://www.domovanje.com/zgoraj_zima.html
27 32 0.10% http://mail.maximum-slo.com/
28 31 0.10% http://mail.zahod.com/logout.php
29 29 0.09% http://mail.aladin-eng.si/action.php
30 29 0.09% http://mail.klan-group.com/action.php
View All Referrers

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 3 60.00% webmail
2 2 40.00% domovanje

Top 15 of 27 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 17847 57.55% MSIE 6.0
2 4425 14.27% MSIE 5.0
3 3610 11.64% MSIE 5.5
4 2570 8.29% MSIE 5.01
5 970 3.13% MSIE 4.01
6 796 2.57% Mozilla/5.0
7 226 0.73% MSIE 4.0
8 102 0.33% Mozilla/4.5
9 94 0.30% Mozilla/4.7
10 93 0.30% MSIE 5.16
11 92 0.30% MSFrontPage/4.0
12 45 0.15% Mozilla/4.77
13 36 0.12% Mozilla/4.61
14 24 0.08% Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider Cache Mana
15 21 0.07% MS FrontPage 4.0
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for March 2003

Top 15 of 15 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 15103 48.70% 9541 49.33% 218928 47.62% Network
2 10154 32.74% 6343 32.79% 137291 29.86% Slovenia
3 5002 16.13% 2959 15.30% 84227 18.32% Unresolved/Unknown
4 334 1.08% 258 1.33% 12007 2.61% US Commercial
5 141 0.45% 112 0.58% 1040 0.23% Netherlands
6 118 0.38% 48 0.25% 398 0.09% Romania
7 42 0.14% 38 0.20% 5446 1.18% Hungary
8 39 0.13% 21 0.11% 115 0.02% Croatia (Hrvatska)
9 25 0.08% 23 0.12% 154 0.03% Switzerland
10 21 0.07% 9 0.05% 52 0.01% France
11 16 0.05% 12 0.06% 47 0.01% Austria
12 10 0.03% 8 0.04% 7 0.00% Brazil
13 5 0.02% 5 0.03% 27 0.01% Russian Federation
14 2 0.01% 2 0.01% 9 0.00% United Kingdom
15 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Italy

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01